电影《Up in the Air》中,男主角George Clooney由于职业需要经常外出公干,整日穿梭于各个城市的机场,累积了超额的飞行里数,获得不少尊贵待遇,进入机场贵宾候机室便是其中之一。对于经常出差工作的人来说,贵宾候机室不仅是登机前舒适的休息空间,还是集餐厅、商务中心、休闲娱乐于一身的综合会所。这种航空公司为头等舱及商务舱的乘客所提供的设备齐全的候机区,多设置于机场禁区内,近年新装的机场贵宾候机室,增添了很多新服务,如快速过关登机通道、个人化服务(水疗按摩、淋浴理容)等,此举除了打造其企业形象外,也务求抓住乘客的"忠诚"之心。 Plaza Premium Lounge(环亚机场贵宾室集团)当然也不例外,以在美国兴起热潮的"按次收费机场贵宾室"服务打造了香港国际机场贵宾候机室。约1393.5平米的空间面积为搭乘任何航班、任何机票等级的旅客提供24小时一站式的商务及休闲候机服务。为了配合环亚机场贵宾室集团的需求, 设计师在空间规划、设计处理及家具、用材上,都考虑了旅客的实际需要,不同层次的暖色彩的使用,很好地营造了宁静舒适的空间氛围。 贵宾候机室由两个长方形空间组成,整体呈"L"形。在同为狭长形入口处,设计师以黑色石材构建的门柱与展示柱交替出现的形式,打造了一个小型艺术展示空间,珍珠母贝马赛克在灯光的照射下,呈现出珠光粼粼的效果,古董花瓶在其衬托下,更显瓷器的古朴温润。至于接待处,设计师以弧形接待台,简洁利落的背景,打造出其干练有效率的形象。透过内敛的接待处,可以看见圆弧形的吧台,与一般的酒吧不同的是,这里是融合传统咖啡店及高级酒吧的创意区域。吧台的一侧是围座的酒吧区,另一侧是可以悠闲细品咖啡的散座区。与这一区域相邻的分别是商务中心及候机休息区,一应俱全的商务中心,提供多个独立计算机工作间,满足乘客处理公事的需要,休息区舒适宽敞的沙发,调节有度的局部照明满足了旅客安静休息的要求。 餐厅设置在"L"形转角区域,设计师在这个兼具餐厅及主要通道的地方采用了弧形线条的设计处理,让空间的90度转角处自然过渡,人流动线更为流畅。餐厅除了全日供应丰富自助餐之外,考虑到国际旅客的一些特殊需求,亦提供素菜和清真菜单。饱餐之后,如果旅客想得到更充分的休息,贵宾室内的氧气水疗按摩区绝对是最佳选择,可以享受到包括氧气治疗、舒缓按摩、理发、修甲及手足护理等服务。特大宽阔的沙发座椅、额外的腿部伸展空间及独立淋浴休息套室,旅客可以好好舒展放松。设计师将这里的走廊设计成小型的画廊,旅客在休息之余也可欣赏画作。 在地面及天花处理上,设计师以不同材质的材料区隔出紧密相连的各区域,天花也对应了地面造型的需要作出呼应,灯光方面,设计师多采用局部照明的方式,迎合候机室的氛围需求。 HONG KONG. Plaza PremiumLounge Management has officially opened what it claims to be the world''''''''slargest ''''''''pay-in airport lounge'''''''' at Hong Kong InternationalAirport (HKIA) this week. Spanning an expansive15,000sq ft and built at a cost of HK$15 million (US$1.93 million), theTravelers'''''''' Lounge is Plaza Premium''''''''s flagship, located beforeDeparture Gate 1 in Terminal 1. As reported, the loungehas a capacity for 300 people and boasts a one-stop experience includingprivate resting areas, business amenities, internet stations, bar and buffet,as well as shower, spa, massage and beauty services. The aim is to give alltravellers the ultimate pre-flight experience. It is the fusion of innovation,creativity and designer luxury. "One of the mostchallenging aspects in designing this space was the layout," The designertold The Moodie Report. The lounge has a narrow entrance which opens up into awide space comprising the seating and dining areas, before tapering into thenarrow corridors of the private spa and massage zones. To make the entrancelook more inviting, the designer opted to place the striking oval-shaped barnearer to the front. A curved wooden wall was also used to create "acertain softness" and a "flow" from the front to the back. Another challenge wasthe low ceiling, which the designer tried to make "vanish" by using adark-coloured wood. A famous lighting designer was also engaged to help createa soothing ambience in the lounge. A touch of traditional Chinese culture wasadded in the form of antiques and classic black and white photographs.