本帖最后由 DesigNet 于 2013-6-23 08:07 编辑
Constructed in the Okayama Prefecture near Seto Inland Sea in Japan is the new Pit House from UID Architects and designer Keisuke Maeda. Built on a terraced mountain hill for a married couple and their small child, the structure offers northwardly views of the surrounding landscape and features an interior design meant to serve as an extension of the natural environment outside. Undivided from the land with its pit-like structure, the home offers six concrete floor levels and sees a cylindrical concrete core alongside branch-like support columns extending to various floating boxes – thus creating a series of single-room locations in an otherwise undefined space.UID Architects 跟日本设计师 Keisuke Maeda 合作完成的“Pit House”位于日本冈山(Okayama),靠近濑户内海(Seto Inland Sea)。住宅地处一处已被开发为住宅用地的梯田山上。Pit House的主人是一对夫妇和他们的孩子。建筑师采用了一种新的方法审视建筑所处的环境条件,将视野向北面打开,将建筑首层提高了道路一米。建筑与场地的自然环境在同一时间共同存在生长,而不是简单的以环境围绕建筑的简单联系。建筑内部局部空间下沉,完全“进入”到场地中,而场地上的“自然”也部分渗入到内部空间内。例如下沉式的起居室,架到空中的走廊,环形的中庭,空间与环境交织共存,人与自然和谐相处。