本帖最后由 czcz-1981 于 2013-2-3 22:35 编辑
AS Design Service Limited | FashionableApartment Location: Peak One, Tung Lo Wan Hill Road, Shatin, Hong Kong, China
Architect: AS DesignService Limited | AS Design Four Lau and Sam SumProject name: Fashionable Apartment Completion date: 05 / 11/ 2012
Area: 140 SQM /1507 SQF
Photography: AS Design Service Limited
Client: Mr & Mrs Chan’s Apartment
Contractor: EleganceCompany 地点: 香港沙田铜锣湾山道,壹號雲頂 设计: AS设计服务有限公司 | AS Design Four Lau and Sam Sum 项目名称: 时尚潮人公寓 完成日期: 05/11/2012 面积: 140平米 摄影: AS设计服务有限公司 客户: Mr & Mrs Chan 承包商: Elegance Company
AS design Founder Four Lau and Sam Sum have always wanted to design afashion art-themed boutique hotel-style apartment, they think fashion elementsshould not be limited to use as clothing only. The homeowners of this designproject are in the fashion business, and they even possess higher requirementsin quality of life than most people, so the designers injected a large numberof art nutrients into this project.
AS设计的创始人Four Lau和Sam Sum一直想设计一套以时尚艺术为主题的精品酒店式公寓。他们认为时尚元素不应该仅限于服饰。刚好这个项目的业主也是时装界的,所以他对生活品质的要求高于常人。因此,设计师在这个项目里注入了大量的艺术成分。
The “Fashion” under the sunrise is more poetic. “时尚”和阳光般的金色结合是多么的浪漫。
The beautiful and varied lines of fabric and embroiderywill become the main elements of the clothes themselves, like matching clothingfabric with the same principle, as long as they were used appropriately, theclothes would be comfortably worn. Designers used wood materials, fabrics andembroidery to match with a variety of warm colors, and to connect the wholehouse by a horizontal line, makes an ordinary residential space to becomeextraordinary, to be more comfortable and refined. Considered the use of artelements in the design, to hide the TV screen with a giant embroidered canvas,and would only be aware of the warmth of an electronic stove and the comfort ofthe sofa. 由美丽而富于变化的线做成的布料和绣花是构成服饰自身的主要元素,像布料匹配服饰的原则一样,服饰只要裁剪得当穿起来就会很舒适得体。设计师采用了木质材料、面料和绣花构成暖色的调性,贯穿于整个空间,使这个普通的住宅空间变得更特别,更舒适,更精致!
The sun shines on the elegant curvy wall and its goldenfinishes, like a piece of flashing cloth, adding a softer and a touch ofhumanity to the stiff walls and cabinets. The piece of cloth that was hangingon the wall of the corridor was embroidered with irregular nature patterns thatwere commonly seen on clothing, creating an even more artistic atmosphere.
Thelinear dining table and the fiber decorated chandelier in the dining area wereeven more thematic, and the glass showcase was inspired by the window of thejewelry store. 具有线元素的餐桌和纤维吊灯更呼应了设计主题。同样沙发墙的玻璃展示柜灵感也来自于珠宝店展示橱窗。
The dream wardrobe in the master bedroom add dreamyelegance with a thin translucent window screening effect; the decorative motifsscreen and the one-piece mirror could be opened or hidden.
Homeowners couldenjoy the world class luxurious hotels style with the upscale master bathroomat any time. Precious jewelries were placed inside the bedside cabinet with theglass jewelry showcase design, shows the twinkling and grandeur of thejewelries. Designers put an elegant mark on the glass windows at the balcony,which makes the apartment to become a unique piece of art. 业主可以尽情享用如超五星级酒店的主卫。专门放置高档首饰的床头展示柜,凸显了首饰的璀璨和华丽。设计师在挑窗台放置了一扇有新装饰主义图案的推拉窗,更让这个公寓成为了一个独特的艺术品。 再增加几张图片
