本帖最后由 hm728 于 2012-9-6 13:43 编辑
项目名称: BRFKöpmangatan2
http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-132903-1-1.html 家具连接
In the case of a small apartment, you usually try to hide all the clutter and to make it seem airy and spacious. It might come as a surprise, but large furniture is the best choice for tiny rooms. It has a compact look and allows the room to feel less cluttered. However, there are cases when the opposite is surprisingly beautiful.This apartment is small and, to change that impression, it has been painted white. It has white walls and ceilings and light-colored wooden floors with the exception of the kitchen and dining area where the floor is black.
But, as for the furniture and the decorations, it’s the opposite of what you would expect in this case. The apartment features a strange strategy. Each room features lots of shelves and lots of small details and decorations. This creates a very dynamic décor.The shelves are occupied by books, ornaments and all sorts of knick-knacks and each room has multiple walls covered with photographs and artwork.
It might seem a little chaotic but the reason why the apartment still manages to seem airy and spacious is because everything is well –organized and balanced. Even though there are many little details in all the rooms, they are all kept on the periphery of the rooms and they don’t disturb the whole décor.{found on Alvhem}.
它可能似乎有点混乱,但为什么公寓仍然设法看起来宽敞通风的,因为一切都是很好的组织和平衡。尽管有许多小细节在所有的房间,他们都保存在外围的房间和他们不扰乱整个装饰。{发现在Alvhem }。