Designed by Giuseppe Bavuso for [url=]Ernestomeda[/url], the new [url=]Icon[/url] kitchen was previewed at [url=]Eurocucina[/url] 2012 in Milan. Emanating charisma and elegance, the new kitchen was specifically designed to meet certain criteria: functionality, clean aesthetics and technical performance. Bavuso wanted to design a kitchen that embraces minimalist design without compromising on personality or charm. He says: “I like to think I succeed in satisfying everyone who loves rationality and functionality without having to give up the heart of things. ” There is an interesting use of materials in this kitchen, which give it a very tactile appeal. There are also some very interesting elements such as the flex wall cabinets, which have doors that slide up and fold out of the way, or the rear tidy system that reveals itself from below the counter top at the touch of a button. How do you like this kitchen? We think it’s pretty sleek!