Environmentally Conscious Australian Home Built Using Reclaimed Wood
JC-NING Repost

Surrounded by an 18 hectare property, the Storrs Road Residence in the small town of Peachester, Australia, displays a single story architectural body emerged from the original building mixed with modern design to shape the evolution story behind this now contemporary farmhouse. Rising from an orchard-defined surrounding, the residence “aims to reflect in miniature the site as a whole and its history.” The old existing dam – once the center of entertainment for kids – was integrated into the structure by connecting it to a pond in front of the house. Wrapping around a central courtyard, the living spaces were designed to be somehow part of the garden, creating a surprising connection with the help of modern technologies. This is how sustainability became part of the project, as Tim Stewart Architects describe it: “The home itself is far more environmentally conscious than its predecessor, with low energy lighting predominant, solar water heating, over 60 000 liters of water storage, and built with timber taken from the site and from fire breaks cut through the bushland. The timber was milled and finished on site and makes up all of the exposed timber as well as the flooring and much of the sub structure. The house is a reflection in miniature of the workings, life, and history of the farm and the family that continue to take enjoy its offerings.”
18公顷的包围,斯托斯路居住在小城镇,澳大利亚,Peachester显示一个单一的建筑体故事,从原有建筑与现代的设计,塑造进化的故事,这背后现当代农舍混合出现。果园定义周围上升,居住“的宗旨,以反映网站作为一个整体,其历史缩影。”现有老坝 - 一次为孩子们的娱乐中心 - 结构,通过它连接到一个池塘被纳入在房子的前面。环绕着中央庭院,居住空间设计是莫名其妙地花园的一部分,与现代技术的帮助下建立一个令人惊讶的连接。这是如何可持续发展成为该项目的一部分,因为蒂姆·斯图尔特建筑师形容它:“家里本身远远比它的前身,低能源照明为主,太阳能热水器,蓄水量超过60万升,更环保意识和建从现场和从划破的丛林火灾休息的木材。木材现场研磨和完成,使所有暴露的木材以及地板和子结构。房子是反映的工作,生活,并继续享受其产品的农场和家庭的历史的缩影。“