SOM Chicago Wins Competition to Design the Greenland Group Suzhou Center
2012年1月17日 - 伊利诺伊州芝加哥 - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP(简称SOM)芝加哥办公室非常荣幸地向大家宣布,公司已经在位于中国吴江的绿地集团苏州绿地中心项目的国际设计竞赛中获胜。358米的超高层塔楼将成为新的吴江湖畔开发地带和整个城市内引人瞩目的标志性建筑。
January 17, 2012 – Chicago, IL - The Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) proudly announces that it has won an international competition to design the Greenland Group Suzhou Center, in Wujiang, China. The 358-meter supertall tower will become the defining visual landmark for both the new Wujiang lakefront development and for the city as a whole.
SOM设计总监Ross Wimer先生表示:“本设计是我们芝加哥办公室各个设计专业高度通力合作的结晶。犹如一部高性能的汽车,空气动力学的数字化建模对于建筑造型的塑造是至关重要的。在设计伊始,结构工程师和机电工程师们就立即参与到设计中,为确定塔楼的各方面群策群力”。
Ross Wimer, SOM Design Director states, “This design is the result of a serious interdisciplinary collaboration in our Chicago office. Like a high performance car, the digital modeling of aerodynamics was critical to the shaping of the building. The design team included structural and mechanical engineers from the very beginning and their input helped to define all aspects of the tower.”
The 75-level building is designed to accommodate a complex mixed-use program including office, service apartments, hotel and retail on a 37,000 sm site. Sited prominently along Taihu Lake in the Jiangsu Province of China, the building’s curved, tapered form unifies the office, hotel and residential uses within a single volume. The tower features a 30-story tall operable window corresponding to the hotel and residential floors, that helps drive the environmental performance of the development.
The tower’s form is optimized to harness natural forces in and around the site to maximize its performance. High performance design engineering has been integrated into its design.
SOM结构工程合伙人Bill Baker先生表示:“在设计中同时兼顾到建筑的瞩目特征和结构功能,从而充分表现出该独具特色的塔楼所具有的建筑力度。”
Bill Baker, SOM Structural Engineering Partner, comments, “This unique tower expresses the strength of the building in a way that is both interesting and structurally functional.”
The Wujiang Greenland Tower’s composite core and outrigger structural system use proven cost-effective construction techniques, while its unique split-core configuration of the upper floors increases the efficiency of the building structure. By placing half of the building core program on each side of the lobby and interconnecting them with structural steel braces, the combined core becomes more effective than a typical center core system while also creating a dramatic tall lobby space within.
The atrium is a key design feature of the building. It maximizes daylight penetration, facilitates mixed mode ventilation in the lobbies and public spaces, and acts as a fresh air supply source for the tower. The building is oriented to harness both the stack effect and prevailing winds via the east and west façades of the atrium.
Major high performance energy saving strategies include a high performance façade, utilizing cooler outside air at higher levels for natural ventilation of the atrium, natural light harvesting using daylight responsive controls, lighting energy optimization using efficient fixtures and occupant controls, energy recovery systems, demand controlled ventilation, and an onsite energy center with combined heat and power plant to capitalize on the overall load diversity of the development.
SOM的可持续发展和机电工程设计总监Luke Leung先生也表示:“绿地集团苏州绿地中心项目在设计中利用中庭充当了建筑的“肺”来提供通风,并将纳入一系列高效率的措施,目标是比美国传统的高层建筑节省60%的能耗,同时减少60%的饮用水使用。”
Luke Leung, SOM Director of Sustainable and MEP Engineering, adds, “The design of the Greenland Group Suzhou Center utilizes an atrium as the ‘lung’ of the building to provide ventilation and will incorporate a series of high efficiency measures with the objective to achieve a 60% savings in energy consumption compared to a conventional US high rise and a 60% reduction in potable water use.”
SOM的管理合伙人Jeffrey McCarthy先生表示:“SOM各专业对卓越的高性能设计的承诺为我们赢得这一令人振奋的新项目添砖加瓦。绿地集团苏州绿地中心的设计,不仅致力于施工和运营的效率,而且还将在吴江创建一个更为令人注目的天际线和美好的未来。”
SOM Managing Partner Jeffrey McCarthy states, “This exciting new commission embodies SOM’s interdisciplinary commitment to elegant high performance design. The Greenland Group Suzhou Center is designed not only for efficiency of construction and operation, but to make a strong skyline statement about Wujiang and its bright future.”
绿地集团苏州绿地中心是SOM芝加哥与绿地集团携手合作的第六个项目。公司间的合作始于紫峰大厦,原名为中国南京绿地金融中心(2009年落成);由Ross Wimer先生为绿地集团设计的其它5个超高层项目分别为:位于中国郑州的56层郑州绿地广场、位于中国南昌的59层江西南昌绿地中央广场A地块项目、位于中国南昌的56层南昌紫峰大厦、以及位于中国北京大望京的55层绿地大望京超高层项目。
The Greenland Group Suzhou Center is SOM Chicago’s sixth project with the Greenland Group. The firm’s work began with Zifeng Tower, formerly Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, in Nanjing, China and was completed in 2009. Five additional supertall projects designed by Wimer for the Greenland Group are the 56-story Zhengzhou Greenland Plaza in Zhengzhou, China, the 59-story Jiangxi Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza, Parcel A in Nanchang, China, the 56-story Nanchang Zifeng Tower in Nanchang, China and the 55-story Greenland Dawangjing Supertall Project in Dawangjing, China.
About SOM
SOM设计事务所在建筑设计、室内设计、工程设计和城市规划领域具有世界领先地位,拥有75年的卓越设计声誉,主要成就包括很多20和21世纪最重要的建筑物。自公司成立以来,SOM在专业技术的研发和新工艺的创新上一直处于先锋地位,为设计业和生活环境带来了深远的影响。公司在建筑设计和建筑技术领域长期保持领先地位,已被授予1500多个质量、创新和管理奖项。美国建筑师学会分别于1962年和1996年两次向SOM颁发了其最高荣誉奖 - 建筑设计事务所奖。SOM在芝加哥、纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、华盛顿、伦敦、香港、上海、孟买和阿布扎比设有办事处。
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) is one of the leading architecture, interior design, engineering, and urban-planning firms in the world, with a 75-year reputation for design excellence and a portfolio that includes some of the most important architectural accomplishments of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since its inception, SOM has been a leader in the research and development of specialized technologies, new processes and innovative ideas, many of which have had a palpable and lasting impact on the design profession and the physical environment. The firm’s longstanding leadership in design and building technology has been honored with more than 1,500 awards for quality, innovation, and management. The American Institute of Architects has recognized SOM twice with its highest honor, the Architecture Firm Award—in 1962 and again in 1996. The firm maintains offices in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mumbai and Abu Dhabi.
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