办公楼注定从一些简单的前提: 到远离传统的密封条件的办公室,不过分临街、 非正式和功能,构建不同领域和专注于客户服务在一个地方,优先附近的入口。
JAL Real State – Office Building was conceived from some simple premises: Getting away from the traditional sealed and conditioned office, not facing the street excessively, structuring the different areas informally and functionally, and focusing on the customer service in a single place, preferentially near the entrance.
Based on those premises, a small building was designed, made of a simple structure of in loco reinforced concrete, once cost was an important factor. The “C” format in the design allows that every space faces a small internal courtyard, where meetings on a pleasant day can occur, or even just a chill out spot for the users in an open area. The fact that the environments face this internal patio allows each user to see themselves through the glassy surfaces nearly all the time, a very interesting result for being a familiar and informal company.
The link between the front and back rooms, on the ground floor, occurs through a mixed space of movement and workspace, with two-story ceiling, in which a large bookshelf organizes all the documents and files from the office. At the same place, on the first floor, a narrow metallic footbridge connects the spaces, and the users passing by observe the bookshelf, the internal courtyard and the workspace below. The two-story ceiling also makes ventilation easier all around the office space.