Place: Museo Experimental Eco, Mexico City
Project: Estudio MMX – Jorge Arvizu, Ignacio del Rio, Emmanuel Ramirez, Diego Ricalde-
Project Team: Federico Pepe, Cecilia Pardo
Client: Museo Experimental Eco, Revista TOMO
Construction: Tiburcio Casares
Every year, the ECO Experimental Museum in Mexico City, organizes a competition for a temporary
pavilion designed to house various events at the main patio of the exemplary building designed in
1953 by the artist Matthias Goeritz. This year MMX Studio has won the first prize for the 2011 ECO
The design does not seek to create a stand-alone piece at the main courtyard; on the contrary, the
intervention tries to strengthen the key assets of the original museum, creating an extension of
the architectural experiment that the original building pursues.
The original building was design as an interwoven sequence of emotions created through the
carefully envisioned progression of crooked spaces, light intensity changes and views. As we
acknowledge that, the design for the temporary pavilion creates a new chain of perceptual events
that are linked to the original sequence. The intervention encourages the visitor to move around
the space and discover new fields, new sights and new perspectives. The design creates a field
operation from which new perspectives emerge as one goes through it.
The pavilion is composed by two interwoven systems of ropes running freely through the two
courtyards. The new three-dimensional surfaces, create screens of varying densities that
reconfigure the openness of the original courtyards into a more confined and enclosed space.
The new confined space changes constantly as it gets flooded with shadows produced by the rope
system. Thus the courtyard becomes an ever changing stage that responds to both, the movement of
the visitor and the changing patterns of light through the day.