所 在 地:约旦 阿曼
Project Area: 4,200 sqm IAA图书馆是由Symbiosis Designs LTD设计的,它的设计是出于学生们对一个花园的需求,这个结构要能为学生们提供遮挡,并为人们创造美好的视野,同时使人们亲近知识和智慧。“遗产花园”是一个倒映的水池,在特殊的时候一条充满石头的小河里会充满水,为空间营造诗意般的氛围。池子里还屹立着一些伟人的雕塑,学生们能够从雕塑中穿行,进而聚集在一个漂浮的水上平台上,享受一个教室般的空间。水池的设计是为了捕捉雕塑和上层漂浮玻璃图书馆结构的倒影,它散发出的光芒代表着一种启蒙,与图书馆的概念相吻合。图书馆的设计表现出双重性,它既包含一个容纳书架的地上石头结构,又包含一个漂浮的玻璃结构。 The IAA library building, by Symbiosis Designs LTD, emerged out of a necessary garden meant to provide students with a fundamental epiphany shedding, enabling foresight and inviting them to contribute to humanity. “Legacy Garden” is a vast reflective pool with a river stone bed flooded with water only on the special occasion of graduation day. Sculptural representations of men and women of great accomplishment, such as Ibin Rushd, Einstein and Gandhi dwell in the pool as a solid human legacy forest. Graduates obtain the privilege of walking amongst the sculptures and unto a floating platform in the water to gather, as a class and to cherish the moment of their own accomplishment in an extremely dramatic setting. The pool, is designed to capture the shadows and reflection of the sculptures, often perceived as souls, as well as to capture the mirror image of the flying glass library above, with its brightness representing enlightenment, an image appropriate for the occasion. The library is also designed with two extreme dualities, a grounded stone building that houses the book stacks; and a hovering glass structure held in flux with a gesture towards the magical and imaginative.