1 / KAYAC 观测塔办公室(observation tower office) by torafu architects
2013-1-24 17:13|ahh87925|办公设计|100%
日本工作室Torafu Architects最近完成了位于横滨湾一座30层楼上的“KAYAC observation tower office”项目,该办公室有着面向富士山的绝佳视野。这个2000平米的无柱空间可以任由办公桌自由安排,可移动的家居及设备也可随时调整位置。...
2 / COORDINATION ASIA - Shanghai Office
2011-9-15 22:23|ahh87925|办公设计|100%
Berlin and Shanghai-based COORDINATION ASIA has just migrated its Shanghai office from an old textile mill to a glass-company headquarters. The former office was located on the banks of Suzhou Creek at No. 50 Monganshan Road in an old textile mill now known as M50 and housing a mix of creative b...