1 / 梁建国、蔡文齐:万科北河沿甲柒拾柒号样板间
2017-7-8 14:03|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
本帖最后由 JoyColourSpace 于 2017-7-8 15:34 编辑 北京万科柒拾柒号 ▲(左)蔡文齐、梁建国 八十年代与合伙人一道创建集美组。期间一直试图与中国内陆的经济高速发展保持距离而又身处其中,敏感而睿智——通过这种状态获...
2017-5-1 21:05|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
3 / Hudson River Apartment
2017-4-15 14:32|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
本帖最后由 JoyColourSpace 于 2017-4-17 15:53 编辑 Awe-Inspiring Hudson River Apartment Apartment owners looking for a beautifully designed place with enough room to one day grow their family received just what they were looking for from Kapran Design. This upscale modern New Jersey home ...
4 / one Perfectly Minimalistic Black Interiors
2017-4-4 19:56|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
one Perfectly Minimalistic Black Interiors Minimalism isn't going out of style any time soon. It's more than just an aesthetic – it's a philosophy, a lifestyle, and an art form. Getting started is as simple as decluttering and adopting a function-first approach to interior design but perfecti...
5 / AB House
2017-3-24 21:15|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
A Beautiful HouseAB House的最突出的细节之一是通过在房子的外部和内部放置的镂空面板增加的多功能性,并且可以设置在不同的位置。 这样,房子的外观不仅呈现出动态的变化,和不寻常的外观,而且还用于调节空气流动和房子光...
6 / 13款隐形门的别样设计
2017-3-23 13:58|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
These 13 Secret Doors Are Hidden In Plain Sight ►今天我们分享13款隐形门,在家庭、酒店、公寓和阁楼为我们提供一个在别人发现之前可以暂时的逃离所有人、所有事的空间.
7 / This House Is Designed To Wrap Around A Single Olive Tree
2017-3-22 17:00|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
This House Is Designed To Wrap Around A Single Olive Tree Architecture firm MVRDV have recently completed Casa Kwantes, a house in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, that from the outside appears as a rectangular box, however the back of the house opens up to wrap around a mature olive tree.
8 / New and old perfect harmony
2017-3-22 13:57|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
New and old perfect harmony 这是一个新旧完美融合的家。 它是由Archiplan Studio于2012年设计的,位于意大利的曼托瓦,建筑可追溯到15世纪。 现代感的装饰和古老的建筑细节完美而和谐的融合。
9 / One Modern Minimalist Apartments With Subtle Luxurious Details
2017-3-20 15:44|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
One Modern Minimalist Apartments With Subtle Luxurious Details Modern minimalism is everywhere – and there's no question as to why. It's the go-to choice for staging interior architecture concepts, it's a versatile backdrop for furniture ads, and magazines rightfully feature the residents of thes...
10 / 23 Fabulous 4 Poster Beds That Make An Awesome Bedroom
2017-3-19 16:36|JoyColourSpace|居住空间|100%
23 Fabulous 4 Poster Beds That Make An Awesome Bedroom Originally for the royals, four poster beds carry a regal quality that translates across many cultures. Draped with luxurious velveteen bed fittings, they can carry a princess. In the islands, traditional white linen drapes over streaks of br...