1 / 纽约长岛南海滨公园
2013-9-23 21:03|wenming-1980|景观设计|100%
夏末,纽约长岛上的猎人南海滨公园开业。面向城市开放的公园总规划范围达30亩用 地,算得上是纽约至1970年以来最大的滨水改造和住房绿地项目。三面环水的公园开 创了城市生态和可持续发展的创新新模式。设计由Thomas Bals...
3 / 美国很有创意的街道景观
2013-8-28 18:19|wenming-1980|景观设计|100%
Matarozzi Pelsinger Design + Build designed a space for sitting, eating, and playing, replacing three parking spaces on a street in San Francisco, California. Project description The site, a 45° parallelogram, is subdivided into two separate spaces to help accommodate different kinds of user grou...
4 / 伊斯坦布尔Trump大厦景观设计
2013-4-6 23:38|wenming-1980|景观设计|100%
土耳其伊斯坦布尔的特朗普大厦是城市的标志性建筑物,其天衣无缝的与城市景观和周围 环境融合,便捷的与地铁站连通。DS Landscape主要在这个双塔项目中主要设计了主入 口景观与裙房景观。这系列设计包含公众和私人两类...
6 / 华盛顿街区广场景观设计
2011-12-30 00:18|wenming-1980|景观设计|100%
This study for the treatment of the future subway extension to North Beach takes into consideration the historic value of the neighborhood and existing park, and attempts to create an improved pedestrian experience while minimizing the impact on the community. The proposed plaza replaces a small, in...