1 / The JALIS Sofa by Jehs+Laub来自德国
2012-4-6 21:15|calixdon|软装设计|100%
German designers Jehs + Laub have created the JALIS sofa for the manufacturer, COR.From COR:The Stuttgart-based designers Jehs + Laub already acquired a permanent place in the COR collections in 2008 with the strict geometry of their CUVERT seating furniture range. Now they have developed a new worl...
2 / 变形椅(Rising Chair)
2012-3-30 17:03|calixdon|软装设计|100%
荷兰设计师Robert van Embricqs设计的变形桌(Rising Table)。变形桌是变形家具中的一部分,概念来自于变形椅(Rising Chair)。Rising Chair是一款创新折叠椅,有别于传统折叠椅的折叠原理, 设计师Robert van Embricqs带来了一个全新的折叠...
3 / 日本家具厂商新品:The K-Chair and K-Plus
2012-3-30 16:53|calixdon|软装设计|100%
日本家具厂商新品:The K-Chair and K-Plus http://kitani-g.co.jp/index.html 把网址给大家~