1 / 一个小房子在坎波
2016-10-22 19:08|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
标准的工作室已经将旧的马厩改造成当代的梦想家园。 该项目由其业主--Jurjen和Selina开发 - 建筑工作室Standard的创始人和一家全新的公司Ibiza室内设计。 建筑师想保持这个200年历史的建筑的原始特征,所以他们只选择传统上使...
2 / 美好的丹麦品牌Hübsch
2016-8-19 19:37|包子店铺|产品应用|100%
Today on notapaperhouse we’re sharing a wonderful Danish brand Hübsch, which has a wonderful approach to design. Its team believes homes should strike a balance between practicality and creativity, tradition and innovation and airiness and cosiness – and, above all, that they should reflect the...
3 / Compact Recreation House By Zecc Architecten
2015-12-18 14:39|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
与室内设计师罗尔面包车Norel合作,Zecc ARCHITECTEN已完成近乌得勒支,荷兰这个小娱乐的房子。这房子是建在一个简单的不对称头设计,并有一个很酷的外观与百叶窗。建筑师想融入山寨的环境,让他们用天然材料如石材石板的坡...
4 / Caesarstone Surfaces for a Modern Environment表面为一体的现代化环境
2015-11-20 12:06|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
Everyone wants their home to shine with character – after all, each of us spend most of our time there. This is the place where you regain strength after a challenging day, so comfort is the first aim of good design. And a lot of it has to be in kitchen – the corner of the house space, where fam...
6 / A Retreat House in White 白色房子
2015-8-26 15:44|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
9 / Sultry Parisian Loft 巴黎阁楼
2015-8-18 15:20|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
10 / 学校改造的公寓 School Converted Into Residential Apartments
2015-8-18 09:32|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
Let’s end of the workdays with a post that presents some wonderful images, that make you doubt, if it’s a photo or it’s a rendering. Oscar Properties, Stockholm-based premium residential developer specialises in heritage buildings and has converted an old school into a series of sensational lo...
11 / Fitzroy Apartments in Melbourne 在墨尔本的菲茨罗伊公寓
2015-8-17 12:04|包子店铺|居住空间|100%
Change of season, change of weather, maybe even a slight change in your life, everything inspires new ideas and gives a boost to work and do things! I always find myself looking at everything in a lighter way when the warmer spring weather shows up. I start to enjoy a bit different palette of things...
12 / 自己做的方案虽然没有用,希望得到高人指点
2014-2-15 13:43|包子店铺|软装设计|100%