1 / 东京银座的Giorgio Armani大楼
2013-8-1 15:59|tony_youn|商业空间|100%
总是很难把一个人具体化,特别是一个众所周知的名人,像Giorgio Armani这样的世界名人。 Armani银座大楼作为项目中被考虑的要素并不只是他作为设计师的创造力,而是他特别的光环。那么如何将这一品质注入建筑呢?如何将高...
2 / Space, Light, Sound and Drugs 迷幻空间中鄙视毒品
2013-8-1 15:09|tony_youn|商业空间|100%
CCPP – Chantier créatif de prévention partagée – Space, light, sound and drugsCCPP is a design collaboration between the Collectifs Cochenko and Quatorze. It was carried out by Butong together with the two collectives. The installation will travel to schools and institutions in a drug awarene...