1 / T.R.Y Animation Architectural Visualizations by Tomek Michalski
2014-3-1 12:08|sunluowen|空间概念|100%
本帖最后由 sunluowen 于 2014-3-1 12:45 编辑 刚刚下载的 爱好写实效果的童鞋有福了···· 材质参数都在的 学习效果图不可多得的资料 T.R.Y Animation Architectural Visualizations by Tomek Michalski 下载地址
2 / Evermotion Archviz Vol 2室内超写实教程 值得你拥有!!!!!
2013-12-11 00:03|sunluowen|空间概念|100%
本帖最后由 sunluowen 于 2016-12-16 22:07 编辑 The Archviz Training vol. 2 Evermotion is known for creating high quality, ready to render interior scenes, called Arinteriors. This tutorial will show you the exact process of creating professional interior scene from scratch, using 3ds max ...