“建筑空间始终是一种对话,我想创造柔软而感性的宁静空间,同时自然地引起人们的互动。” —————【镜•界】 "Architectural space is always a dialogue, I wanted to create soft and sensual spaces of tranquillity, while naturally evoking interaction." ----- [Mirror-Boundary]
开放式的书房兼衣帽间的区域,简单,实用。 The open study-cum-cloakroom area is simple and practical.
餐厅的餐桌,我们选择的是2米的大桌子,它既是我们会餐的地方,也是我们休闲,办公,娱乐的最佳选择。 For the dining room table, we have chosen a large 2m table, which is perfect for both our meals and for relaxing, working and entertaining.
电视背景的柜体结构,既起到了一定的美观装饰作用,最主要是在没有影响我们整体空间的前提下,大大增加了我们的实用空间。 The cabinet structure of the TV background plays a certain aesthetic and decorative role, and above all increases our practical space considerably without affecting our overall space.
黑,白,灰,咖,是我们整个客厅的材质用色,比较内敛,沉静。 Black, white, grey and curry are the colours used for the materials in our entire living room, which are more restrained and subdued.
卧室的空间,用了蓝,灰,木色色系,静谧,舒服。 The bedroom space, with its blue, grey and wood colour palette, is quiet and comfortable.
Project Name/裕亚银湖城南苑
project Area /120.0㎡
Design Company /N·K Studio
设计师 /李傲芳
Designer /N·K
Construction party:N·K Studio
摄影师/ 陈铭
Photographer /orange images
write articles/N·K