俄罗斯 | 坦伯利空中别墅 | 概念 | 2021 | Asthetique
Asthetique 于2022-02-12 02:12发布在空间概念
,项目名称:TURNBERRY SKYVILLA ,设计范围:Interior Design ,设计年份:2021 ,项目地点:SUNNY ISLES BEACH, FL ,项目面积:10,000 SF ,项目类型:RESIDENTIAL CONDO ,项目客户:PRIVATE ,转自 ...
美国 | 老牧场别墅 | 2021 | Studio Shamshiri
Studio.Shamshir 于2022-02-09 17:24发布在软装设计
老牧场别墅 这座位于 Palisades 的西班牙风格别墅的内敛、略带抽象的信仰是由我们的客户和他们的建筑师共同努力设计的结果。 我们的任务是以一种可以增加纹理和雕塑形式的方式来布置有意识的氛围空间,同时又不影 ...
中国广东 | 佛山 | 追光·欧文莱陶瓷总部 | 2021 | 艾克设计 | 谢培河
艾克设计 于2021-12-22 23:22发布在办公设计
诗意场所 建筑是拿捏自如的体块在光线下 神奇、恰当而又绝妙的表演 我们的眼睛生来是观看 光线下的各种形式的 光与影让形式得以显现 几何是光线下最善于展示的 伟大的基本形式 他们的形象对于我们来说 是明确的、 ...
西班牙 | 巴塞罗那 | RI HOUSE | 展厅 | 极简 | 2021 | Francesc Rifé Studio
FrancescRife 于2021-10-19 23:09发布在商业空间
作为我们工作室和新 rihouse.shop 在线商店的延伸,这个新空间采用当代艺术画廊的语法和家庭语言,展示我们为知名家具品牌精心设计的产品设计。 摄影:Javier Márquez ...
巴西 Mata 之家 | 2015 | Studio MK27 - Marcio Kogan
STUDIO.MK27 于2021-06-16 16:30发布在居住空间
家园,瓜鲁雅,巴西,设计师:Samanta Cafardo, Studio MK27 - Marcio Kogan, 面积:805 m²,年份:2015,摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG,供应商:Accoya, Antonangeli Illuminazione, B&B Italia, Baxter, ...
精成空间设计 |在山里的 “ 疗愈系 ” 办公空间
Sshua1 于2021-06-22 10:45发布在办公设计
369 我们的社会属性多少与城市关系密切相关,合适的相处之道,一直是不断探索的话题,由古至今,“退隐”之风盛行,所谓“小隐在山林,大隐于市朝”,场地、时间、人及 ...
德国素食主义者公寓 | Ester Bruzkus Architekten
interior.ru 于2021-06-21 23:48发布在居住空间
,Ester Bruzkus Architekten 团队在柏林完成了一个面积为 120 平方米的公寓项目。 建筑师使用鲜艳的色彩和天然材料来精确定义布局。 丰富的色彩和材料与中性的原始混凝土墙壁和天花板形成鲜明对比,营造出凉爽与 ...
葡萄牙Hospedaria农村旅馆(2018)(atelier Rua)设计
atelier.RUA 于2020-09-26 17:17发布在品牌精选
酒店,旅馆,旅馆内饰,葡萄牙塔维拉 ,设计师:atelier Rua , 面积:600 m² ,年份:2018 ,摄影:Francisco Nogueira ,地区监督:Pensão Agrícola ,基础和结构:Pedro Viegas ,专长:Acribia , ...
加拉卡斯洛瓦斯公寓(2020)(João Tiago Aguiar Arquitectos)设计
archdaily 于2020-09-10 15:21发布在居住空间
公寓, Loft, 公寓室内设计, 里斯本, 葡萄牙,建筑师:João Tiago Aguiar Arquitectos, 面积:155 m²,项目年份:2020,摄影师: Fernando Guerra | FG+SG,厂家:BAUKELL, BRUMA, CIN, Cevica, Efapel, FIMA ...
上海 555 m² 黄浦江畔顶层复式 | 壹舍设计
壹舍设计 于2020-09-10 14:45发布在品牌精选
人们对家宅的营造,在满足使用功能的前提下,也趋向构筑起情感的依托。居所环境反映内心秩序,居者的风格,就是家的风格。这套位于上海黄浦江畔南外滩的顶层复式豪宅——季公馆,由方磊领衔的壹舍团队操刀,极具现 ...
悬浮物箱(Suspended Matter Box)MMV arquitectos 设计
Archilovers 于2020-08-05 14:06发布在建筑设计
This request had everything to be straightforward. We were to do a remodeling and amplification project of a restaurant. It looked like a simple thing to do (and quite a secondary one, regarding our ...
科廷大学米德兰校区(Curtin University Midland Campus)Lyons Architects 设计
archdaily 于2020-08-06 10:19发布在办公设计
University, Melbourne, AustraliaArchitects: Lyons Architects, Silver Thomas Hanley Area: 3050 m²Year: 2019Photographs: Douglas Mark BlackManufacturers: AutoDesk, Big Ass Fans, Reynaers Aluminium, ...
北京和上海SOHO 3Q合作办公室设计
OfficeSnapshots 于2020-08-06 09:17发布在办公设计
anySCALE Architecture Design have developed the design concept for multiple locations of the SOHO 3Q coworking offices located in Beijing and Shanghai.For over 4 years architecture and design compan ...
Studio.O+A 于2020-08-06 11:15发布在办公设计
Studio O+A has implemented a nature-inspired design concept for Slack‘s new headquarters located in San Francisco, California.When Slack asked O+A to create its new multi-floor headquarters in San F ...
Atelier Oslo和Lundhagem Architects完成了挪威最具活力的图书馆
ArchitecturalDigest 于2020-08-02 04:31发布在商业空间
The Oslo waterfront has a new architectural jewel. Located across the street from Snøhetta’s Oslo Opera House is the city’s new central library, Deichman Bjørvika. The structure was designed by ar ...
年轻家庭的公寓(Apartment for a young family)Metodiy Monev 设计
Archilovers 于2020-08-05 11:51发布在建筑设计
The apartment for a young family is designed by a couple with a little son, who are the architects and investors at the same time. They used a solution that ensures the durability of the realization ...
(Forte San Giorgio)The Thinking Traveller 设计
Archilovers 于2020-08-05 11:33发布在酒店设计
More than a decade of painstaking restoration has brought Forte San Giorgio, a listed National Monument of Architectural and Artistic Merit, back to life after centuries of neglect. The impeccable ta ...
怀尔德酒店(The Wild Hotel)The Wild Hotel 设计
Archilovers 于2020-08-05 10:59发布在酒店设计
The Wild by Interni is a brand new 5 Star Luxury Hotel located in the beautiful beach of Kalafatis, fully equipped with all the latest modern comforts, but yet surrounded by a pristine nature. Just o ...
Eagle Studio / waa 设计
archdaily 于2020-08-04 11:06发布在文化教育
Schools, Hangzhou, China,Architects: waa, Area: 72187 m²,Year: 2020,Photographs: Fangfang Tian,Architect In Charge: Di Zhang, Jack Young,Design Team:Minghui Huo, Hualin Yang, Mengb ...
Church Point House | CHROFI 设计
CHROFI 于2020-08-03 08:02发布在品牌精选
Houses, Sydney, Australia ,Architects: CHROFI ,Year: 2019 ,Photographs: Katherine Lu ,Interiors:Triibe ,Builder:Graybuilt ,Text description provided by the architects. The design respo ...
TheModernHouse 于2020-08-04 05:37发布在居住空间
Helen: “We moved to Wales from London’s East End in 2004, tempted by an opportunity to help a friend develop Cardigan’s port. We upped sticks for a year’s sabbatical before making the permanent m ...
TheModernHouse 于2020-08-04 04:00发布在软装设计
I call myself a botanical stylist. I’m more interested in creating objects and sculptures for beautiful interiors than conventional floristry, and my work needs great spaces to be able to come alive ...
TheModernHouse 于2020-08-04 05:21发布在软装设计
The Bowl and its cast Małgorzata holds The Bowl The Modern House's moving-in box Our new moving-in box, a bespoke selection of hand-made objects, represents The Modern ...
TheModernHouse 于2020-08-04 00:49发布在居住空间
,There are mid-century homes, loved for their open plans, natural light levels and design efficiency, and then there are mid-century masterpiece homes, representing the most accomplished execution ...