In: 台湾(中国)Id: 2444017Fs: 22
简介:KYDO耕宇設計事務所,2011年成立,團隊致力每個專案獨有的企畫、創意、媒體美學,匯集了多方面頂尖設計師的創作能量與技藝精髓,歷年來執業專精於高端住宅、商業空間、企業總部、精品酒店、公共空間等多樣類型作品。 KYDO專注於設計出意味深沈的空間,有如朝夕重行,日日蟄伏著對生活場域的想像與實踐。開展熱情,感知隨行,運用工藝引渡出美學的堆礨,細緻處遞傳精煉的鍛造琢磨,再輕覆以柔細如絨。對於KYDO來說,美的詮釋是雋永,是跨越時間與感官的呈現。空間,如時時翻幕的風景,層次豐饒,質量併顯,表與裡,隱與現,彼此如襯如托,聚塑出所屬空間的獨特質性。
KYDO believes in “design beyond senses,” crafting spaces where careful details engage the physical sense, yet creates an ambiance and visual imprint that goes beyond it. Each detail is calibrated to work together to move the soul as an atmospheric sum. Each space is a unique story that finds true luxury in understated elegance, humanistic warmth, and thevalue of “less, for more.” For design principal Keng-Yu Liao, the only beauty is timeless. This timelessness implies not just a classic aesthetic that lasts, but the ability to stop time and calm the senses. Throughout the studio’s creations, tranquility reigns, each space a quiet respite, with design as much a product of the senses as it is an influencer of it. Founded in 2011, KYDO is a boutique design studio that pursues unconditional, passionate perfection in art and craft. With a dedicated team of artists, designers, and craftsmen, the studio creates daily poetry in the fields of high-end residential, commercial, office, and hospitality design.
联系电话:+886 2 2709 8809
联系地址:5F, No.63, Sec.1, An-He Road, Taipei, Taiwan
账号建于:2021-08-05 18:56
中国台湾台中七期「宝玺天睿」烫金门牌豪宅 | 2021 | KYDO | 耕宇设计
3年前发布在品牌精选中国台湾台中豪宅建商─宝玺建设七期最新代表作「宝玺天睿」,力邀日本Nike东京旗舰店、Lexus全球旗舰店和UNIQLO旗舰店操盘手─片山正通,及加拿大渥太华机场、温哥华市政府的地标建筑大师Michael Green,以及荣获 ...
