Hopkins Architects|HA
In: 英国Id: 2421788Fs: 1
简介:Hopkins Architects have helped pioneer British architecture since our founding by Michael and Patty Hopkins in 1976. The Practice is now led by five Principals and we are based in London, having completed projects throughout the world. Our deeply-rooted architectural, environmental and social convictions guide our designs and we work confidently and collaboratively in a manner appropriate to each client's needs, ambitions and budget.
联系电话:+971 (0)4 338 3992
联系地址:Hopkins Architects Dubai PO Box 74534 Ground Floor, Umm Sequim Building Al Quoz, Dubai United Arab Emirates
账号建于:2021-05-16 09:28
阿联酋卡尔巴红树林保护区海龟保护馆|2021|Hopkins Architects
2021-05-16 06:22|文化教育阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比研究中心水族馆
,设计师:Hopkins Architects
,摄影:Marc Goodwin, Archospheres
,团队成员:H.E. Hana Saif Al Suwaidi, Chairperson of Environment and Protected ...
