Studio Lawahl|Studio.Lawahl
In: 瑞典Id: 2419652Fs: 29
简介:Interior design for private residences and commercial spaces. We do complete high end interiors that includes everything from sketches to picking out the right wood for the parquet to deciding on the position of the sofa. Our goal is always to achieve astonishing results by enhancing the beauty of the property and letting our clients uniqueness shine through. We are driven by passion and with tons of collected know how, gained through many years of experience, we will guide you along the way to the result of your dreams.
联系电话:+46 70 777 92 29
联系地址:Wittstocksgatan 13 115 27 Stockholm Sweden
账号建于:2021-05-10 04:47
瑞典 | Apartment ER | 住宅 | 2021 | Studio Lawahl
3年前发布在软装设计“在瑞典,我们有一个名为Jantelagen的概念,” Joanna Laven说。 “这意味着你不应该认为自己在某方面比其他任何人都更好。”因此,瑞典人不太可能将保姆,清洁支持,尤其是室内设计师外包给他们的生活。对于瑞 ...

纳维亚极简主义的斯德哥尔摩公寓|2021|Studio Lawahl
3年前发布在软装设计“在瑞典,我们有一个名为Jantelagen的概念,” Joanna Laven说。 “这意味着你不应该认为自己在某方面比其他任何人都更好。”因此,瑞典人不太可能将保姆,清洁支持,尤其是室内设计师外包给他们的生活。对于瑞典 ...
