Zemberek Design|ZD
In: 土耳其Id: 2410241Fs: 33
简介:Zemberek Design, a team mainly works on interior projects, is conservative about, starting a design process by “finding the right question” is the key element, that reveals the basic and simplest idea, leading to conclusion. This initial and most time-consuming phase of the design process evolves with dialogs and exchanging of ideas between the members of Zemberek Design Team. Occasionally, constraints of existing building, project requirement, hierarchy of functions, or decisions on circulation becomes the main idea of design, in addition to consider the space perception of the user. “The right question” that needs to be answered in the final project are taken into the consideration in its simplest form. Simple architectural solutions as answer to basic demands of the space make the user perceive the initial question. By the perception of space that is prioritized at the beginning of the process, initiation of an involvement process for the user in which the user is able to read and understand the cause-effect relations, is aimed. This approach renders the user-designer relation cyclical.
联系电话:+90 216 338 50 62
联系地址:Basçavus Sok. Evtas Is Hanı 31/12 34720 Kadıköy / ISTANBUL / TURKEY
账号建于:2021-04-06 23:55
土耳其Antik Dantel总部,连拱序列|2020|Zemberek Design
2021-05-13 05:16|办公设计办公设施, 展厅, 办公室内设计, Istanbul, 土耳其,建筑设计:Zemberek Design, 面积:6000 m²,项目年份:2020,摄影师: İbrahim Özbunar,建筑设计:Ece Ilgın Avcı, Murat Çakan, Fatma Altıntaş, ...

土耳其时尚服装品牌Ulupinar总部展厅(2021)(Zemberek Design)设计
2021-04-06 14:52|商业空间陈列室,零售室内设计,土耳其伊斯坦布尔
,设计师:Zemberek Design
, 面积: 1070 m²
,摄影:Ibrahim Ozbunar
,建造商: Jotun
,首席设计师:Basak Emrence, Safak Emrence
,设计团队 ...
