Viraje arquitectura|VA
In: 西班牙Id: 2405696Fs: 13
简介:VIRAJE is a group of architects and construction engineers that brings a new concept in the construction world. We offer an all round customized product complete with every step of the architectonic process. It’s possible to contract just the service to develop one step, or sign up for the entire range of services, going through the whole process from the feasibility of an abstract idea up to a finished up reality. Our objective is the development of a product to the customer’s liking. The promoters and self-promoters will be supported with wise advices and the client can take part in the key decisions. Previous research, detailed project, executive project and direction of the works, will bring a finalized reality with no need to handle and manage a wide range of professionals.
联系电话:963 513 128
联系地址:Pérez Pujol 3, Planta 1, Pta 1. 46002 Valencia
账号建于:2021-03-18 00:19
西班牙UP48别墅(2020)(Viraje arquitectura)设计
4年前发布在品牌精选在广阔的耕地领域中,以Tramuntana的景色为背景,诞生了一座被视为避难所的房子。 遮荫少的地方避开阳光和风的地方。 一切井井有条的地方。 建筑强调并重视植入植物的土地的空间。
该项目在马略卡岛农村地区之一的 ...

西班牙UP52别墅,杏仁树的住宅(2019)(Viraje arquitectura)设计
,设计师:Viraje arquitectura
, 面积:515 m²
,摄影:Germán Cabo, Alfonso Calza
,提供协助:Andreu World, Keraben, Lzf, Marset, Roca, Schotten & Wood, Stua, T ...
