Jesse Parris-Lamb|JP-L
In: 美国Id: 2384951Fs: 14
简介:Our work encompasses all aspects of design, from interior architecture to decoration. With keen attention to scale, proportion and the way bodies move through space, we customize our interiors to meet both the physical and aesthetic demands of our clients. Along with refurbished vintage finds, every project features bespoke items that are developed with our growing network of independent makers. We employ a lively but elegant sense of color and pattern to create warm, layered spaces suitable for modern living. By avoiding trend or adherence to one particular style we aim to give our clients a space that is timeless and truly representative of their identity. No two jobs are the same, but each has a common thread that is Jesse Parris-Lamb.
联系地址:543 Union Street, Suite 3a Brooklyn, NY 11215
账号建于:2020-11-30 04:38
CT ENTERTAINMENT BARN公寓(Jesse Parris-Lamb)设计
2020-11-30 05:00|软装设计一个年轻家庭的迷人而活泼的娱乐场所。 杰西·帕里斯-兰姆(Jesse Parris-Lamb)拥有定制的鸟类壁画,黄铜棕榈树以及层层叠叠的复古家具和定制家具,营造了一个异想天开的空间,既适合举办私密聚会又适合大型庆典。 ...
充满宝石与装饰艺术风格的SoHo阁楼公寓(Jesse Parris-Lamb)设计
2020-11-30 04:53|软装设计大多数住宅客户在与室内设计师一起工作时,都会要求一个像家一样的空间。但不是这个客户。他打趣道:“舒适或家常不是我一直想要的氛围。” “该空间的设计让您感觉就像走进了一个社交俱乐部。”
确实,他在苏活区 ...