In: 希腊Id: 2354545Fs: 1
简介:Architect by training, writer by inclination, humorist by nature, Eric has been juggling with different faculties as long as he remembers. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, he always wondered what it would have been like had it been Athens, Georgia instead. At 18 he moved to London to study architecture but mostly to play out the Anglo-Saxon scenario of life; plus by then, he had outgrown Athens, both Greece and Georgia. A decade, a couple of Masters Degrees and several jobs later, he found himself back in pre-crisis Athens working as a lighting architect. Nowadays, in the less exuberant yet as captivating same city, he also blogs about domestic & foreign affairs, writes about design and tries not to ask too many what-if questions. Always an enthusiast of great craftsmanship, be that a well-crafted piece of architecture, art or writing, Eric has found the ideal platform in Yatzer to explore contemporary culture and discover gems of creativity wherever these may be.
账号建于:2020-07-17 14:43
2020-07-17 15:01|品牌精选The architects’ approach to the renovation of the dilapidated winery was “deceptively simple”, whereby they injected the industrial buildings with a contemporary vibe while creating new pat ...
