replus design bureau|replus 设计局
In: 英国Id: 2354030Fs: 12
简介:replusdesignbureau was founded in the spring of 2014 by architects Christina Badzyan and Dmytro Sorokevych. The main profile is the reconstruction.
From 2017, the replusdesignbureau is a member of the British Association of Interior Designers (SBID) (The Society of British and International Design)
In September 2017, replusdesignbureau became the finalists of the international competition course SBID (London, UK) in the OFFICE design category, with a project of 39_INS
In 2017, replusdesignbureau won the Artspace Prize (Kiev, Ukraine) in the category Best design solution for a small apartment up to 60m², with the project 55_ZAR
In 2018, 55_ZAR and 20_VOL projects hit Archdaily and Dwell
In 2018, the 20_VOL project was published in the book Makeover of the Swiss edition of Braun
账号建于:2020-07-14 07:16
replus design bureau 设计 | OM NOM NOM 素食咖啡馆
4年前发布在品牌精选OM NOM NOM –是最近开业的素食咖啡馆,位于利沃夫Futura HUB。咖啡厅气氛友好,提供各种有机餐点。咖啡厅旨在发展和改善生活哲学及其数量。
餐厅面积380平方米,可促进自然资源的合理利用和健康生活方式。这个地 ...

replus design bureau 设计 | 古库尔斯卡公寓(Guculska Apartment)
该项目是关于翻修和重新设计位于Hutsulska街利沃夫市中心一栋历史建筑中的旧公寓。 该建筑本身建于1892年 ...
