Commune Design|通用设计
In: 美国Id: 2353252Fs: 54
简介:Commune is a Los Angeles-based design studio with a reputation for holistic work across the fields of architecture, interior, graphic and product design. The firm has designed residential, commercial and hospitality projects worldwide, a wide array of home and lifestyle products, as well as graphic and branding concepts for the fashion, arts and entertainment industries.
The studio values the strength of the collective mind, believing that authentic creativity and innovation come from collaboration. The true virtuosity of their work comes from their collaborations with their clients as well as with other members of the community. Since its inception, Commune has worked with countless artists, artisans and craftsmen around the globe. Their environmental sympathies are expressed in their conscientious selection of materials, and echoed in their appreciation for original architecture and its elements.
Commune stands for community. A community of like-minded architects, interior designers, graphic designers, consultants, artisans, and builders led by principals Roman Alonso and Steven Johanknecht.
联系电话:310 855 9080
联系地址:2504 W 7th St. Suite A Los Angeles, CA 90057
账号建于:2020-07-08 07:32
豪华滑雪俱乐部酒店Caldera House(2018)Commune+CLB
2021-04-18 02:43|酒店设计怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔的豪华滑雪俱乐部的内饰和品牌。 范围包括俱乐部设施(大厅,俱乐部休息室,更衣室,健身房,管理处)以及餐厅和酒吧,专业商店和两个6000平方英尺住宅单元的图形标识和室内设计。
2021-04-18 01:38|居住空间这座住宅位于加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯冲浪休憩处的悬崖上,是与Feldman Architecture合作设计的。 这座房子的内部和外部都衬有Arborica的Evan Shively在当地抢救的Monterey Cypress,由RJL Construction精心打造,精巧 ...
Commune Design 设计 | 圣莫尼卡公寓(Santa Monica Apartment)
2020-07-09 09:16|品牌精选在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡的一栋1960年代的建筑中,对3,000平方英尺的公寓进行翻新。平面图经过重新配置,可以连接所有房间,并可以欣赏马里布海岸的景色。该物业中的所有物品都是完全根据客户量身定制的,他们要求“ ...
Commune Design 设计 | 加利福尼亚旧金山现代住宅(Handcrafted Modern)
2020-07-08 08:13|品牌精选Commune Design与Feldman Architecture合作设计这座位于旧金山的5000平方英尺的住宅,完全是手工制造的。 受现代主义斯堪的纳维亚建筑风格的启发,这栋房屋的材料有限,包括用石灰洗的诺曼砖,黑色陶土瓷砖,石膏, ...
Commune Design 新作 | 日本京都Ace酒店(Ace Hotel Kyoto)
2020-07-08 08:00|品牌精选两张诺伦窗帘,四幅原始艺术品,八幅版画,一个徽标,一个定制的字母,以及-最后但并非最不重要的-一个巨大的片状蜡染蜡染织物标志。 Samiro Yunoki一直很忙。现年97岁的日本艺术家和明代手工艺运动的开拓者为一系 ...