Kennedy Nolan Architects|肯尼迪·诺兰建筑师
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2353250Fs: 43
简介:Kennedy Nolan was established in 1999 and has since developed a reputation as a design focused practice with a distinctive approach to built form. The practice is dedicated to the production of architecture that is highly responsive to its context and seeks to form a strong relationship with landscape.
Design at Kennedy Nolan is generated drawing on the optimistic precepts of modernism - rational, utilitarian, empowered by technology - and a positive view that the design and arrangement of spaces can support and reinforce relationships, can add piquancy and zest to life.
Less tangibly, the practice is also compelled to distil the impalpable – to draw on the reaches of memory, the evocative power of recognising form, colour, texture and light, the resonance of shared memories, of history and landscapes.
联系电话:+61 (03) 9415 8971
联系地址:61 Victoria Street Fitzroy Melbourne 3065 Australia
账号建于:2020-07-08 04:08
弗林德斯之家 | Kennedy Nolan Architects | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2022-10-18 23:34|建筑设计对于新建筑来说,一个壮观的场地既是一个礼物,也是一个问题。积极的一面是不言而喻的,消极的一面则不那么明显,但在单一方向的玻璃盒中却很明显,这些玻璃盒在这些地方扩散开来。意识到这一点,我们意识到要平 ...

澳大利亚丹顿自选公寓(2020)(Kennedy Nolan)设计
2020-11-19 12:02|建筑设计Social Housing, Sustainability, Residential, Melbourne, Australia,设计师:Kennedy Nolan, 面积: 2820 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Derek Swalwell,Lead 设计师:Patrick Kennedy and Rachel Nolan,设计 ...
