In: 澳大利亚Id: 2353213Fs: 11
简介:Biasol (pronounced ‘b–are–zoul’) is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Melbourne. With a focus on the design of interior spaces, building typologies, products, and branded environments, we work collaboratively with Australian and international clients to realise spaces and experiences that merge the intricacies of design to deliver considered outcomes that engage both physically and emotionally.
联系电话:+613 9428 5999
账号建于:2020-07-07 16:51
飘渺住宅 | Biasol | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2023-02-12 03:05|居住空间逐渐过渡到新的,长长的线性走廊连接现有的和拟议的,作为穿过家庭中心的脊柱。
,保留原有的小屋正面,恢复关键元素,以确保手工制作的细节和工艺特征在未来几年内保持不变,同时单一颜色的使用增强了它们的 ...
Biasol 设计 | 石匠之家(Scalpellino House)
2020-07-07 17:07|品牌精选石匠是古老的石匠工艺的意大利翻译。这是墨尔本设计工作室biasol的最新项目;Bartucca家族是stonemasons的后代;追溯意大利出生的弗兰克·巴图卡的遗产,他在罗马长大。弗兰克·巴图卡(Frank Bartucca)从13岁起就一直 ...