Alicia Holgar|爱丽丝·霍尔加
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2351863Fs: 25
简介:Alicia Holgar is an interior architect and designer based in Brisbane, Australia. Specialising in bespoke residential and boutique commercial projects, Alicia is passionate about crafting spaces that resonate as a sanctuary for wellness and wellbeing.
Alicia is an inspired and innovative creative who carries forth the third generation of architects and designers in her family, who migrated from Europe to Australia. An earlier career in property has enabled Alicia to work across projects in the residential, commercial, education and development sectors. Throughout this time, she has had the privilege to work for private clients, through to national and international property and architecture firms on both heritage and cutting edge projects. Most recently, Alicia was part of the interior architecture team at top-tier architecture firm, Architectus Australia.
Alicia deeply cares for each client and project she undertakes with a collaborative and considered approach guided by her holistic set of principles and practices. She intuitively balances a high level of acumen whilst stretching the boundaries of her craft to inspire greater value add within scope. Whilst each space naturally evolves with its own identity, Alicia aims to embed quality, cohesive calmness and conscious creativity in all projects that ensures an equal outcome of aesthetics and ethics. Above and beyond, Alicia is impassioned by resonance and hopes to continue her Honours research in exploring space as an interior ecology, and a sanctuary for wellness and wellbeing.
联系电话:(+61) 414 943 759
联系地址:Brisbane, Australia
账号建于:2020-06-27 13:54
Alicia Holgar 新作 | 河公寓(River Apartment)
2020-06-27 14:32|品牌精选河公寓是重新想象的单身汉脱离而量身定制,邀请外界进入并创建一个舒适的庇护所,以洗净其余部分。 现代而宁静的每个空间都是对温暖的极简主义和有机现代主义的探索。
,位置:澳大利亚布 ...

Alicia Holgar 新作 | 小鸟公寓(Avian Apartment)
2020-06-27 14:22|品牌精选布里斯班公寓的轻巧而豪华的装修坐落在城市天际线上。 通过在曲线,悬臂,物质性和艺术方面的发挥,赛德勒在建筑,形式和功能中的情感得到了发展,成为了机巧的综合体现。
走进艾丽西亚·霍尔加(Alicia Holgar ...
