Paul Conrad|保罗·康拉德
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2351288Fs: 122
简介:Paul Conrad is the founder of Conrad Architects. With a career established in Australia, England and Asia, Paul is celebrated for an exacting approach to the creation of refined, elegant buildings that demonstrate his respect for the long tradition of architecture.
Paul leads a team of architects and interior designers who believe in a holistic approach to the design process. “The client’s needs, as well as individual site characteristics, have the most influence over the design direction,” he says. “As architects, we have the primary task of providing shelter, but we also have the ability to transcend the physical – to connect with people emotionally; a hallmark of our portfolio.”
联系电话:+61 (3) 9421 6103
联系地址:Conrad Architects Pty Ltd 3–5 Jessie St, Cremorne Victoria 3121 Australia
账号建于:2020-06-21 18:25
澳大利亚 | 墨尔本大理石住宅 | 2021 | Conrad Architects
2022-01-31 13:28|居住空间,Grange Residence 的屋顶露台和游泳池享有墨尔本天际线的美景,这是一座由澳大利亚工作室 Conrad Architects 设计的大理石房屋。
,这套四居室住宅位于图拉克郊区,由室内设计师劳伦·塔兰特委托,他还设计了住 ...

澳大利亚 | Armadale House | 住宅 | 极简 | 2021 | Conrad Architects
2021-09-15 08:22|居住空间Conrad Architects设计工作室在墨尔本Armadale郊区设计了一座现代住宅,住宅融合了家庭温暖、古典比例和极简主义。这座现代住宅代表着室内和建筑之间的完美平衡,透露出极简主义的微妙魅力。在室内,一种普遍的平静 ...
