Valbæk Brørup Architects|Valbæk.Brørup.Architects
In: 丹麦Id: 2348006Fs: 0
简介:We are Eva Kristine Brørup and Stefan Valbæk, founders of Valbæk Brørup Architects established in 2005.
We work with new buildings, transformation and restoration. Our portifolio consists of single family homes, summer residences, properties, commercial buildings, furniture and fixtures, interior architecture, garden architecture and more. We follow our projects through all phases.
Our drive is curiosity and belief in the possibilities of modern architecture.
Without compromising our customers needs, we always strive for the highest level of architectural ambition.
Our buildable designs originates from our knowledge and interest in good craftsmanship. Thorough analysis together with our artistic interpretations lead to our original designs that are never fixed to one particular style.
Eva Kristine Brørup and Stefan Valbæk, are educated at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation.
联系地址:Folke Bernadottes Allé 25 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
账号建于:2020-05-27 08:48