Studio Modijefsky|Studio.Modijefsky
In: 荷兰Id: 2346596Fs: 14
简介:Studio Modijefsky is an interior architecture studio founded by Esther Stam in 2009. Its home in the centre of Amsterdam hosts an international team of architects and interior designers who provide a total creative service for spatial interventions for clients that range from hotels to boutiques and bars to spas. The eight women that currently form the studio carefully design everything that is seen, passed and touched by a visitor for the duration of their stay whether it’s five seconds or five hours.
It’s part of the studio’s ultimate goal to reinvent the way people interact with an interior. By relating design to the location’s context (whether natural or urban) and playing with the composition of texture and materials, light and routing, height and depth, sight and tactility Studio Modijefsky creates spatial experiences that surpass all expectations and create valuable new memories.
The past years have led to a project list containing interior projects in the Netherlands and abroad, such as Bar Botanique, Kanarie Club, Wyers and The Commons.
联系电话:(+31) 2 07 37 26 88
联系地址:Sint Jansstraat 33 1012 HG Amsterdam
账号建于:2020-05-18 02:55
Moos 酒吧 | Studio Modijefsky | 2022 | 荷兰
2022-11-14 09:08|康乐空间,Studio Modijefsky设计了Moos,这是阿姆斯特丹斯帕尔丹默尔布特(Sparndammerbuurt)一栋转角楼底层的新酒吧。酒吧位于一个以“阿姆斯特丹学校”风格设计的住宅综合体Het Schip而闻名的街区,是对其丰富建筑环 ...
Biertuin Centrum酒吧 | Studio Modijefsky | 2021 | 荷兰
2022-05-31 16:23|康乐空间Biertuin品牌的第三家店铺位于阿姆斯特丹市中心的王子运河沿岸。Studio Modijefsky接受了改造挑战,基于现有布局改造这座狭长的历史建筑,并在其中体现出德国啤酒花园的理念。改造旨在让空间不再昏暗:成排的灯球沿 ...
阿姆斯特丹“拐角处”酒吧 | Studio Modijefsky
2021-05-27 09:14|康乐空间Arie是位于阿姆斯特丹De Pijp街区的Goudvisch酒吧系列的最新成员。 Studio Modijefsky工作室再次创建了一个名称,一个角色和一个合适的内部,所有元素都无缝地融合在一起。
Arie所在的建筑物的历史可以追溯到1876 ...