Bates Masi Architects|Bates.Masi.Architects
In: 美国Id: 2346178Fs: 12
简介:Bates Masi + Architects LLC, a full-service architectural firm with roots in New York City and the East End of Long Island for over 50 years, responds to each project with extensive research in related architectural fields, material, craft and environment for unique solutions as varied as the individuals or groups for whom they are designed. The focus is neither the size nor the type of project but the opportunity to enrich lives and enhance the environment. The attention to all elements of design has been a constant in the firm’s philosophy. Projects include urban and suburban residences, schools, offices, hotels, restaurants, retail and furniture in the United States, Central America and the Caribbean. The firm has received 181 design awards since 2003 and has been featured in national and international publications including The New York Times, New York Magazine, Architectural Digest, Interior Design, Architectural Record, Metropolitan Home, and Dwell. Residential Architect Magazine selected Bates Masi one of their 50 Architect’s We Love. In 2013, Bates Masi was inducted into the Interior Design Hall of Fame. Bespoke Home, the first monograph of the firm’s work, with introduction by Paul Goldberger is available in bookstores now.
Paul Masi spent childhood summers in Montauk and currently resides in Amagansett. He received a Bachelor of Architecture from Catholic University and a Masters of Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. He worked at Richard Meier & Partners before joining this firm in 1998.
Harry Bates, a resident of East Hampton, received a Bachelor of Architecture from North Carolina State University. After ten years with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, he was in private practice in New York City for 17 years before moving the firm to Southampton on the East End in 1980. Our offices have recently relocated to a new office building of our own design in East Hampton.
联系地址:132 North Main Street 2nd Floor East Hampton, NY 11937
账号建于:2020-05-15 03:48
GEORGICA CLOSE 别墅 / Bates Masi Architects
4年前发布在品牌精选这座新房子的客户住在一幢由“现代主义大师”之一的马塞尔·布鲁尔(Marcel Breuer)的门徒设计的1960年建造的房屋中。该地点位于沿海泻湖沿岸,成为飓风桑迪带来的风暴潮的受害者。客户对房屋的毁坏感到不安, ...

腰果农场别墅 SAGG FARM / Bates Masi Architects
4年前发布在品牌精选Sagaponack地势平坦,肥沃的壤土,长期以来一直是长岛东端度假胜地内的一个农业社区。它的马铃薯田开阔广阔,与周围的森林和花园形成鲜明对比。近年来,在靠近海洋的推动下,萨加波纳克的发展潮流是稳定和不可避 ...

ASSET 餐厅 / Bates Masi Architects
4年前发布在品牌精选曼哈顿的建筑特色是最温和的。随着建筑物的翻新并增加了数百年的历史,每次迭代都留下了痕迹,将它们表示为奇特放置的圆柱或通过连续油漆层渗出的纹理。在对哥伦布大道329号进行翻新以创建Asset餐厅的过程中,我们 ...

乔治亚湾 GEORGICA COVE / Bates Masi Architects
4年前发布在品牌精选一对夫妇拥有一个可以俯瞰大海的小海湾,他们想要一栋大多数情况下仅适合他们两个的房子。然而,由于对娱乐的热爱,房子不得不在繁忙的周末长大,以容纳孩子,孙子和客人。为了灌输所需的舒适感和和平感,将设计与 ...

阿克顿湾别墅 Acton Cove / Bates Masi Architects
4年前发布在品牌精选一个热爱划船的活跃家庭想要在切萨皮克湾上的一所房屋中,被安纳波利斯港口的海洋魅力所包围。他们发现了一个小而壮观的地方,上面建有1970年代的房屋。现有房屋无法满足房主的需求,但其隔板和码头提供了一个独特 ...
