cm studio|cm studio
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2344955Fs: 13
简介:CM Studio was founded in 2012 , with a focus on creating unique homes for our clients. We are passionate about design and look to create effortless, engaging, timeless and calming spaces.
We have a design ethos that we apply to each project, and view the process of designing a home as very collaborative from the initial design stage with the clients all the way through to the construction phase. Each project is assessed and developed with its own unique set of site constraints and clients needs and we work across all aspects of a project from exterior expression to interiors and landscape design.
We have a small team of Designers and Project Managers who lead our projects from the initial design brief, through to council approvals and oversee project construction to ensuring the initial vision for the project is realised to the exact detail.
Megan Burns is the managing director of the studio and oversees the design direction for all projects that the studio is engaged to complete.
账号建于:2020-05-07 21:25
克兰布鲁克之家贝尔维尤山酒店 | cm studio
4年前发布在品牌精选Cranbrook House Bellevue Hill的简介是供cm studio创建的房屋,客户总是觉得他们假期度假。这需要探索我们体验空间和材料的方式。我们参考了地中海沿岸点缀的休闲沿海别墅,以作参考。
我们探索了各种材料,包括 ...

奥特利露台帕丁顿酒店 | cm studio
4年前发布在品牌精选Oatley Terrace Paddington的设计得益于其简单详细的原始工人露台,该露台最初是为容纳相邻的Paddington军营的工人而建造的。
这种简单性贯穿于整个项目以及所有细节和设计的方法。目的是使原始露台成为英雄,而任 ...

棕榈滩太平洋之家酒店 | cm studio
4年前发布在品牌精选通过设计师,建筑商和才华横溢的客户的合作联盟实现的,该转换参照了Palm Beach Heritage材料调色板进行了自己的当代诠释。Shou Sugi Ban砌面,砂岩墙和白色金属窗框用于代替传统材料。部署这些现代材料可以更好地应 ...

Hargrave Terrace Paddington 住宅 by cm studio
,摄影:普鲁·鲁斯科(Prue Ruscoe)
,景观设计:Outdoor Establishments
,造型:亚历山德拉·高登(Alexandra Gordon)
, ...

Woorak 住宅 by CM Studio
4年前发布在品牌精选Woorak House是由CM Studio设计的位于澳大利亚悉尼的最小住宅。 Woorak House Palm Beach是一家年轻家庭的度假胜地。该项目是一个完整的基础建设,是CM Studio,我们的优秀客户和建筑商之间的合作,旨在使一个真正 ...
