Luigi Rosselli Architects|Luigi.Rosselli
In: 澳大利亚Id: 2329143Fs: 70
简介:Based in Sydney, Australia, Luigi Rosselli Architects take a humanist approach to architecture and design; not eager to win awards, but to instil good design and humane architecture that develops affinities, and create sympathetic buildings that flow and appeal.Working from a purpose built studio named ‘The Beehive’, which was realised in collaboration with Raffaello Rosselli’s RdotR studio and reflects the sustainability principles held by the practice in its design and construction, the team works under the guidance of Architect, Luigi Rosselli, who has more than three decades of international experience covering Milano, Switzerland, New York and Sydney.Renowned for their houses, residential architecture, adaptive re-use and heritage designs, the studio has worked on a very wide range of projects: from offices to factories, from libraries to wineries, from childcare to chapels.Luigi Rosselli Architects is a carbon neutral practice applying sustainable building practices, as demonstrated by their expertise in rammed earth, air-conditioning-free spaces and energy efficiency.The humanist and environmental principles apparent in their projects have attracted a variety of clients, from the top achievers of Australian society to the penniless artist, with a variety of locations and briefs, resulting in a continual renewal of design solutions.Welcome to this showcase of their projects and please check back regularly as it will get better and better.
联系电话:( +61 ) 02 9281 1498
联系地址:122 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
账号建于:2020-01-08 16:05
泰丰玛住宅 | Luigi Rosselli | 2024 | 澳大利亚
9月前发布在居住空间terra firma 源自拉丁语,意为“坚实的地面”,是水手们用来描述他们对陆地和坚实立足点的怀念的一种表达方式。海上生活要经受巨大的洋流、不断变化的潮汐和凶猛的风;返回港口,安全的港湾则提供了相反的稳定感和 ...

无花果树别墅 | Luigi Rosselli Architects + Alwill Interiors | 2023 | 澳大利亚
,当Alwill Interiors加入团队时,Casa Figueira拥有悉尼港口的枪桶景观和Luigi Rosselli Architects的动态建筑景观。 该公司以质地,比例和 ...

大地之舟 | Luigi Rosselli Architects | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2年前发布在建筑设计从建筑学来说,“大地之舟(earthship)”构成了适应性再利用学科的一部分。他们采用 20 世纪末发展起来的一种建筑风格,旨在利用天然和回收材料来建造被动式、可持续性且通常自供水电的住宅。Luigi Rosselli 建筑 ...

Giardino 花园住宅 | Luigi Rosselli Architects | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2年前发布在空间概念Luigi Rosselli Architects的Giardino以一系列流畅的曲线和与自然景观的内在联系为灵感,是一个迷人的建筑,它既植根于其所在地,又具有独特的个性。
意为“花园”,Giardino以层叠的三角梅为特色,为建筑的外观带 ...

双海湾公寓 | 概念 | Luigi Rosselli Architects+Alwill Interiors | 2022 | 澳大利亚
2年前发布在空间概念该建筑由Luigi Rosselli Architects和Alwill Interiors设计,是当代奢华和古典风格的见证。Luigi Rosselli将现代澳大利亚生活方式的需求与欧洲设计的巧妙结合在一起的能力是著名的,这在曲线优美和古典比例的建筑中 ...

澳大利亚 | Triplex Apartments | 住宅 | 2021 | Luigi Rosselli Architects + Alwill Interiors
3年前发布在居住空间澳大利亚建筑师 Luigi Rosselli Architects 和 Alwill Interiors 通过平衡开放和封闭的错觉,迎合以生活方式为主导的生活体验。赋予新项目 Triplex Apartments 优雅地在倾斜的地形中穿行,通过正式的阶梯式方法穿越 ...

澳大利亚 | 书屋 | 2021 | Luigi Rosselli Architects + Alwill Interiors
3年前发布在建筑设计书屋的名字来源于看起来像层叠的书堆和房屋周围的砂岩地层,书屋以线性带状的方式穿过其陡峭的景观。 Luigi Rosselli Architects 和 Alwill Interiors 将纹理和横扫运动相结合,打造出独特而灵敏的住宅。
,地点: ...

澳大利亚永恒优雅的沙堡别墅 | Luigi Rosselli + Raffaello Rosselli + Alwill Interiors
3年前发布在居住空间这座房子建在山的自然斜坡上,分为三层,从地面向上延伸,一座用砖、混凝土和玻璃雕刻而成的高耸别墅。 该项目的建筑师 Luigi Rosselli 和 Raffaello Rosselli 为父子俩,他们各自有不同的做法并同时再此建筑中同时 ...

澳大利亚空间倒转,甲板上的生活 | 2021 | Luigi Rosselli Architects
3年前发布在建筑设计,独立住宅, 住宅室内设计, Bronte, 澳大利亚
,建筑设计:Luigi Rosselli Architects
,面积:150 m²
,摄影师: Prue Ruscoe
,厂家:David Reddy Furniture, Evolution Windows
, ...

一颗新星Casa Rosa (2020) (Luigi Rosselli建筑师)设计
4年前发布在建筑设计Casas, Bronte, Austrália,设计师:Luigi Rosselli Architects, 面积:300 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Prue Ruscoe,建造商:Artedomus, Bisanna Tiles, Design Within Reach, Euromarble, Jetmaster, Luigi Ro ...
