YaBu Pushelberg|雅布.普歇尔伯格
In: 加拿大Id: 2276406Fs: 2488
简介:We design places and products: immersive environments, compelling destinations, and considered goods. George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg founded our studio in 1980 with an emphasis on interior design and have since expanded our firm into a multidisciplinary practice that addresses multiple layers of the human experience. With offices in New York and Toronto and a team of more than a hundred creatives and professionals, we design buildings, interiors, landscapes, lighting, furniture, objects, and graphics with a focus that goes well beyond what things look like, to how they make people feel. Our firm and founders have earned many honours, including being appointed Officers of the Order of Canada, inducted into the Interior Design Hall of Fame, and named among the world’s most influential design studios by Wallpaper*, Elle Décor, Hospitality Design, and the Business of Fashion. But, the trophy shelf is not our primary concern. We’re always focused on what’s next, and continually search for the new and innovative, as we strive to conceive the memorable experiences of tomorrow.Our clients include leading hotel and resort brands, developers, retailers, restaurateurs, manufacturers, entrepreneurs and creative individuals looking to stand apart from the crowd. With an approachable, collaborative way of designing and solving problems, we believe in dreaming big and vaulting over obstacles to arrive at fresh new solutions. We bring the same attention to detail to every project, from tabletop objects to expansive new developments, and actively look for partners who share our passion for doing better than what has been done before. For us, it’s all about designing the world we want to live in.
联系电话:+1 416 778 9779
联系地址:55 Booth Avenue Toronto M4M-2M3 Canada
账号建于:2019-05-15 09:13
重奢老钱风酒吧 | YaBu Pushelberg | 2024 | 美国
2025-02-17 21:06|康乐空间Bruno Mars 在酒吧内
屡获殊荣的音乐明星 Bruno Mars 请来了全球着名的设计工作室 Yabu Pushelberg,将他独一无二的梦想变为现实。这次合作催生了 The Pinky Ring ,这是他性感的鸡尾酒酒吧和爵士酒吧,在今年2月 ...

洛杉矶市中心 AC 酒店 | Yabu Pushelberg | 2023 | 美国
2023-06-02 00:28|酒店设计Yabu Pushelberg 将 AC Hotels 以卓越的热情好客着称与洛杉矶的艺术灵魂相结合,将新的 AC Hotels Downtown Los Angeles 想象成艺术家的家。 该工作室将 AC 品牌的西班牙根源与南加州的西班牙裔传统进行对话,将室 ...

纽约公园巷酒店 | Yabu Pushelberg | 2022 | 美国
2022-08-05 15:18|酒店设计Yabu Pushelberg 设计机构借鉴该机构的过去,为名副其实的纽约机构 Park Lane New York 注入了新的活力。
国际设计机构 Yabu Pushelberg 已受托进行一项重大项目,旨在更新纽约的标志性场所——纽约公园巷。负责 ...

东直门8号 | 雅布 × Antonio Citterio | 2022 | 中国北京
2022-05-15 08:07|空间概念,在800岁的东直门
,意大利国宝大师Antonio Citterio 说:它是永恒的优雅;新派巨匠André Fu 在这里反思奢华:用我的语言去讲一个新故事;设计教父雅布更为它打造了两个缪斯女神,诠释梦想 ...

纽约公园巷酒店 | 雅布 | YaBu Pushelberg | 2021 | 美国
2022-05-11 02:02|酒店设计,酒店星级:Firstclass / Upper Upscale / Upscale,酒店类型:Lifestyle / Design,酒店位置:New York, United States of America,酒店分类:New Building,完成年份:2021

中国深圳 | 柏悦酒店 | 2019 | Yabu Pushelberg | 雅布.普歇尔伯格
2021-12-29 15:59|酒店设计,酒店星级:Luxury,建筑设计:KPF Architects - Hong Kong,酒店位置:Shenzhen, China,室内设计:Yabu Pushelberg - New York,酒店分类:New Building,投资者:Ping An Insurance Company of China,酒 ...

中国广东 | 广州瑰丽酒店 | 2019 | Yabu Pushelberg | 雅布.普歇尔伯格
2021-12-29 09:01|酒店设计,酒店星级:Firstclass / Upper Upscale / Upscale
,建筑设计:Guangzhou Design Institute,KPF Architects - New York,Leigh & Orange Architects
,酒店位置:Guangzhou, China
,室内设计:Yabu Pushelber ...

英国 | The Londoner | 精品酒店 | 2021 | Yabu Pushelberg | 雅布.普歇尔伯格
2021-12-28 17:16|酒店设计,酒店星级:Firstclass / Upper Upscale / Upscale,建筑设计:Woods Bagot - London,酒店位置:London, United Kingdom,室内设计:Yabu Pushelberg - New York,酒店分类:New Building,酒店类型:Boutiq ...

China-华尔道夫酒店(北京)| YABU 雅布
2019-06-14 12:43|品牌精选北京华尔道夫酒店
秉承著名的“ ...

美国-Graves 601 Hotel | YABU 雅布
2019-06-13 10:05|品牌精选对于经常全球各地到处飞的人来说,美国应该也是大多数人的目的地之一。
如果你耳闻、目睹过雅布设计的作品,相信对于美国的Graves 601 Hotel同样并不陌生。
走进这间酒店,给人的第一感觉是大气恢弘,满足了很 ...
