Sarah Lucas furniture for Sadie Coles HQ
2019-03-19 21:31|产品应用米兰2014:今晚,英国艺术家莎拉·卢卡斯在米兰展示了她的首套家具系列,由混凝土砌块和中密度纤维板制成(幻灯片)。
这14件限量版作品是与伦敦艺术工作室合作为伦敦赛迪 ...

part of the furniture the worlds first finn juhl hotel opens in japan
2019-03-18 16:51|产品应用The world’s first Finn Juhl hotel opens in Japan. Pictured is the basement lounge featuring the Baker Sofa, a couple of Pelican Chairs and a Finn Juhl Cocktail Table
在家具界,这是 ...
