Claesson Koivisto Rune's Palladio tables reference sculpture
2019-03-18 20:34|产品应用米兰2016:最小主义雕塑家唐纳德·贾德和意大利建筑师安德里亚·帕拉迪奥的作品为荷兰家具品牌Artifort(幻灯片)提供了瑞典工作室ClaessonKoivistoRune设计的这套桌子。
Palladio系列由一系列 ...
carlos motta at espasso ny
2019-03-10 01:20|产品应用Motta’s Havaianas chair, which made its US debut at the show. The piece was commissioned by the Brazilian footwear company Alpargatas, and is made of and the same rubber used to make their iconic ...