1 / 迪奥首尔旗舰店Dior Flagship Seoul by Christian de Portzamparc
2015-12-14 17:00|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
近日,Christian Dior在首尔的江南区清潭洞开设了一家新的品牌精品店。其独具一格的建筑由普利兹克建筑奖得主、法国建筑师克里斯蒂安•包赞巴克操刀设计。室内设计师则由国际知名建筑师Peter Marino担当。Christian Dior is delighted ...
2 / 美国休斯敦BG集团总部
2013-12-4 10:51|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
Project Location: Houston, TX Date Completed: February 2011 Owner: Hines Architect: Kendall/Heaton Associates, Inc. and Pickard Chilton Architects, Inc. (Design) Square Feet: 1,500,000 LEED: Platinum Description: The new 46-level tower is a cast-in-place high-rise office tower in Downtown Ho...
3 / 阿布扎比Sowwah 广场建筑设计
2013-10-17 13:00|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
Comprising four office towers and the headquarters building for the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, the complex strives to create a signature image for downtown while also promoting a public presence and emphasizing sustainability. The initial building program heights were relatively modest, and thei...
4 / 澳大利亚Luna 公寓
2013-9-19 10:55|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
Architects: Elenberg Fraser Location: 173/177 Barkly Street, St Kilda VIC 3182, Australia Council: Port Phillip cit y coun cil Project Manager: AWC Property Contractor: Hacer Group Area: 7000.0 sqm Photographs: Peter Clarke From the architect. It has inspired a dedicated fan web-site, generat...
5 / 令人佩服的旧建筑改造
2013-8-27 11:31|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
Gangnam Building Redesign by MVRDV Dutch architects MVRDV have redesigned a 1980s building in the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea.
6 / The Galaxy SOHO \ Zaha Hadid Architects
2013-4-30 09:07|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
位于北京市中心的银河SOHO总面积有33万平方米,集办公,零售,娱乐为一体,成 为城市生活的一个重要组成部分。设计灵感来自规模宏大的北京,5个连续流动的形 体通过桥梁连接在一起,彼此协调,成为一个无死角的流动性...
7 / 很酷的麦当劳餐厅建筑设计
2013-4-13 08:45|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
The project is located in one of the newly urbanized parts of the seaside city of Batumi, Georgia. It includes fuels station, McDonald's, recreational spaces and reflective pool. Given the central location and therefore importance of the site, it was decided to give back as much area as possible fo...
8 / 伦敦Excel雅乐轩酒店外观设计
2012-9-8 13:19|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
该酒店位于皇家维多利亚码头,从伦敦多克兰轻轨的Prince Regent站可达,并获得了BREEAM(英国建筑研究组织环境评估法)的优异评级。伦敦Excel雅乐轩酒店是获奖的室内和酒店设计工作室——Jestico + Whiles建筑事务所的最新设计...
12 / 大连市公共图书馆设计方案
2011-12-19 23:59|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
The new library is designed to become the center and heart for the local community with a strong relationship to the ocean and the bay. The building is placed in a park setting and aims to be a landmark for locals and visitors and a symbol for the creative and environmentally friendly future of New ...