1 / CCD--深圳南山万豪酒店方案册全套方案575MB
2017-10-23 15:45|wenming-1980|空间概念|100%
本帖最后由 wenming-1980 于 2017-10-24 10:27 编辑 CCD--深圳南山万豪酒店方案册全套方案575MB: 1.CCD-深圳南山中洲万豪酒店拍板最终实施方案13MB 2.CCD--深圳中洲万豪酒店概念及效果图 24P 390MB 3.CCD--深圳中洲万豪公寓概念文...
2 / 墨西哥Ixi’im餐厅
2017-4-28 11:57|wenming-1980|餐饮设计|100%
Building around a metal frame placed into ruins of a former engine room in the state of Yucatan, a team of Mexican architects have created a contemporary dining lounge. The Ixi’im Restaurant is situated in an old textile factory in Chocholá, 70 kilometres inland from the Yucatan peninsula’s Gul...
3 / 西雅图--HBO电视网络媒体公司办公室
2017-3-29 10:41|wenming-1980|办公设计|100%
Design: Rapt Studio Project Team: David Galullo – Chief Creative Director, Kristen Woods – Team Lead, Michael Maciocia – Designer, Gigi Allen – Designer, Sarah Devine – Account Executive Photography: Eric Laignel Driven by a passion for content and technology, HBO Digital Products is ...
4 / 深圳Park View Manor住宅项目公共区方案
2016-10-31 12:02|wenming-1980|空间概念|100%
本帖最后由 wenming-1980 于 2016-10-31 12:10 编辑 Two 45-story towers cater to a burgeoning demographic in South China – a youthful and affluent generation poised with substantial exposure to international travel, culture and experiences. For this residential development, openly Western ...
5 / 墨尔本国际会议中心设计
2016-4-19 11:10|wenming-1980|办公设计|100%
Located at Southbank, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre is part of an AUD 1 billion integrated mixed-use development that includes the Hilton Hotel South Wharf, designed by Woods Bagot and NH Architecture. The triangular form of the building relates to its site, a key focal point for...
6 / 阳狮集团巴西圣保罗办公室
2016-4-12 10:59|wenming-1980|办公设计|100%
Athié Wohnrath has developed the new offices of global public relations firm Publicis located in São Paulo, Brazil.Artistic language characterizes new Publicis Brasil office. The “Lead the Change” philosophy of French agency Publicis is strongly present on company day-by-day, also in Brazil. I...
7 / Ippolito Fleitz 集团连锁酒店办公室---慕尼黑
2016-1-14 10:26|wenming-1980|办公设计|100%
Ippolito Fleitz Group has developed the new design of hotel chainMotel One‘s headquarters in Munich, Germany.For the Munich headquarters of hotel chain Motel One, we designed a conference and training centre, multiple office floors, a central lobby and a restaurant that is also open to the public....
8 / 迪奥首尔旗舰店Dior Flagship Seoul by Christian de Portzamparc
2015-12-14 17:00|wenming-1980|建筑设计|100%
近日,Christian Dior在首尔的江南区清潭洞开设了一家新的品牌精品店。其独具一格的建筑由普利兹克建筑奖得主、法国建筑师克里斯蒂安•包赞巴克操刀设计。室内设计师则由国际知名建筑师Peter Marino担当。Christian Dior is delighted ...
10 / HBA-北京诺金酒店(官方摄影)NOU HOTEL BEIJING
2015-7-6 17:02|wenming-1980|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 deng8969 于 2015-7-7 08:55 编辑 置身北京最奢华酒店之一,现代明风格设计,诺金将当代艺术、绿色科技、商务休闲的独特体验融为一体。来到诺金,体验始终如一的中华待客之道。有别于皇家文化和庶民文化,北京诺...
11 / 纽约伊丽莎白街152号豪华公寓---安藤忠雄
2015-6-11 12:20|wenming-1980|居住空间|100%
本帖最后由 wenming-1980 于 2015-6-11 12:49 编辑 近日,安藤忠雄分享首个纽约项目设计:伊丽莎白街152号豪华公寓。该建筑位于伊丽莎白街152号,是一个位于曼哈顿Nolita区的超豪华公寓,开发商为当地的sumida + khurana公司。 ...
12 / 荷兰--阿姆斯特丹Zens品牌生活用品店
2015-6-3 11:22|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
The first European store of the design brand Zens Lifestyle is situated on Amsterdam’s oldest canal and opened its doors last November. In this showroom of 32 square meters Zens presents its minimalist dishes and glassware, such as bowls, carafes, mugs as well as coffee and tea sets. SchilderSchol...
14 / 深圳蛇口希尔顿酒店 (Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai)
2015-1-27 10:39|wenming-1980|酒店设计|100%
深圳蛇口希尔顿酒店是深圳市第一家希尔顿品牌酒店,由招商地产投资有限公司出资,并由国际著名的豪华品牌——希尔顿国际酒店管理公司 管理的一家豪华五星级商务度假酒店。酒店坐落于深圳西部海岸城市带的中...
15 / PagerDuty公司旧金山办公室
2014-7-29 09:21|wenming-1980|办公设计|100%
Expanding from 6,000 sq. ft. to 14,600 sq. ft. while remaining in the same vibrant neighborhood, PagerDuty’s new office provides needed flexible workspace for its engineering, creative, and administrative staff alike. Offering a variety of work zones, from open benching to team rooms and private...
16 / 英国奢侈品牌Burberry 上海旗舰店
2014-5-9 12:11|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
英国奢侈品集团BurberryGroupPLC(BRBY.L)博柏利亚太地区规模最大的旗舰店已经在上海静安嘉里中心开幕。   横跨三层的Burberry博柏利上海旗舰店在装潢设计上沿袭由集团现任首席创意官兼待任首席执行官ChristopherBailey为伦敦Reg...
18 / 北京四季酒店(官方摄影)Four Seasons Hotel Beijing
2014-5-6 11:02|wenming-1980|酒店设计|100%
19 / 巴西Luiza Barcelos品牌鞋店
2014-5-5 15:08|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
For this women’s shoe store, I thought an atmosphere where women feel at home at the same time with a sensual appeal that involves women’s shoes; elements such as curtains, mirrors, chairs and ottomans hand embroidery, fit into a dense architecture where plans of stone and steel screens associat...
20 / 纽约Tiffany & Co.品牌新店
2014-4-29 12:10|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
New York, NY, United States Celebrating its 175th anniversary, Tiffany & Co. returned to SoHo in downtown Manhattan, the scene of the legendary jeweler’s very first store, to open a new store in the historic art district. With a more urban look and feel than the company’s Fifth Avenue flagship,...
21 / 德国汉堡全新CHANEL 店
2014-4-25 10:54|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
The store interior is designed by New York-based architect Peter Marino, and is modeled after Coco Chanel's swanky apartment in the french capital. Featuring a sumptuous and sophisticated palette in soft tones, paneled walls are paired with shiny marble floors. displays and cabinets have been made f...
22 / 纽约瑞吉酒店与宾利汽车合作的豪华套房(更新部分图片)
2014-4-24 10:28|wenming-1980|酒店设计|100%
本帖最后由 wenming-1980 于 2014-4-24 19:53 编辑 该套房由来自宾利汽车和喜达屋酒店国际集团旗下的瑞吉酒店(St. Regis Hotel)的顶尖设计师共同打造,为宾客提供奢华、极致的尊享体验,感受两个豪华品牌的奢华、工艺以及时尚...
23 / 巴黎Dior高级珠宝及钟表店
2014-4-22 11:00|wenming-1980|商业空间|100%
A tribute to Monsieur Dior's Parisian town mansion at 30 avenue Montaigne, the brand's ?agship Fine Jewellery Boutique was recently revamped by Peter Marino at 8 place Vend?me. Organised as a succession of small private salons, the secretive two-storey boutique is cleverly arranged around a luminous...
24 / 精品单身公寓-Apartment Design For Young Man
2014-4-18 10:34|wenming-1980|居住空间|100%
The bedroom is a little glimmer of design genius To start, the tiny area appears luxurious with an entire wall dedicated to the headboard, where a glossy black horizon line adds an illusion of extra width But it’s at the foot of the bed where the magic really happens; the dividing wall from the l...
25 / 钢铁侠的别墅-Iron Man’s House
2014-4-17 10:21|wenming-1980|空间概念|100%
The magic of movie making is alive and well, and clearly on display in the blockbuster Iron Man sequel. While Tony Stark’s alter-ego Iron Man suit is a stunning work of effects, what is even cooler is Iron Man’s house. The house doesn’t really exist, and is actually a very clever use of CG. T...