1 / gongsaido 民宿 | ATMOROUND | 2023 | 韩国
2024-1-18 08:12|ATMOROUND|民宿设计|100%
A painting of the empty space. There is a gap between people. The distance or interval between one place and another exists everywhere. It can be a physical interval or a psychological distance. And the gap is needed for anyone anywhere. gongsaido is a stay in Namwon, the warmest southe...
2 / ROUNGE 展厅 | ATMOROUND | 2022 | 阿联酉
2023-7-22 05:39|ATMOROUND|商业空间|100%
Rounge, A Furniture brand that began with an inevitable connection to trees - Nestled on Yangjae-daero, the building stands concealed by a stretch of plane trees. Once inside, vast windows reveal sweeping views of towering plane trees, offering a shifting sequence at each level. Ascending to th...
3 / 韩国 | MOSP Bakery and Cafe | 咖啡 | 2021 | ATMOROUND
2021-9-20 12:42|ATMOROUND|餐饮设计|100%
咖啡馆, 咖啡店室内设计, ,[size=2][color=#424242]建筑设计:ATMOROUND,项目年份:2021,摄影师: Woo-Jin Park,放松的方式有很多,为了表现这一点,我们在一张长长的纸上罗列了不同的放松形式,然后折叠起来,并用剪刀剪出开口。...
4 / 韩国orrrn咖啡馆|2021|ATMOROUND
2021-5-28 07:23|ATMOROUND|餐饮设计|100%
咖啡馆, 咖啡店室内设计, 西归浦市, 韩国 ,建筑设计:ATMOROUND , 面积:672 m² ,项目年份:2021 ,摄影师: Woo-Jin Park ,在第一次场地调研时,目的是理解周围建筑的概况,但该次调研被取消了。这是因为济州岛已经表现...
5 / ATMOROUND 新作 | 韩国李秀秀咖啡店(LEEDO SAU)
2020-6-30 08:00|ATMOROUND|品牌精选|100%
32 首先,世宗城市自治城市是首尔地区附近的新兴城市。我们希望提供一个人们可以摆脱寒冷的城市生活以反思自己的地方。 我们希望为人们提供一个机会,让他们清理自己疲倦的日常工...