1 / 天然恩波达住宅 | Susanna Cots | 2023 | 西班牙
2023-10-19 01:22|Susanna.Cots|居住空间|100%
在 Empordà 这座 300 平方米的住宅中,出发点是真实性:恢复它并与之重新建立联系。 这是一次复杂的简报,除了在拥有 300 多年历史的空间中工作之外,还寻求一种允许联系和亲密的设计。
3 / 柠檬屋 | Susanna Cots | 2022 | 西班牙
2022-12-7 00:52|Susanna.Cots|居住空间|100%
4 / 黎明之家(Dawn House)Susanna Cots Interior Design 设计
2020-8-5 12:16|Susanna.Cots|居住空间|100%
The visual projection of the inner order and well-being that the owners were looking for in their new home The colour white, the motivation to create a space of well-being for the people who inhabit it and the ability to work on invisible elements so that communication in the family flows impe...