本帖最后由 vooping 于 2016-1-9 15:50 编辑
Sarit Shani Hay设计的儿童空间无可避免的带有一种成人式理性,但她将这份理性降到一个恰好的临界点。
ramat gan kindergarten占地100平方米,周围的广袤的菜地。里面有两个教室,一个是...
来自东京的设计工作室moment design在日本仙台的一家宾馆中设计完成了一个婚礼教堂Voyagesta Chapel。
为了营造一种亲密的氛围,moment design对灯光和材质进行了仔细的斟酌。整个空间中充斥着菱形的图案,由于配色的关系,整体却...
非常漂亮的小教堂——Shepherd of the Valley Chapel in Hope, Rhode Islan
Shepherd of the Valley, a United Methodist Church in Hope, Rhode Island, hired 3six0 initially to prepare an assessment and feasibility study for their needs to expand. The church had grown and the existing building wa...
In the beginning of the year 2009 we were commissioned the Project of a Chapel honoring Santa Ana, in a small, triangular piece of land, in Sousanil, Santa Maria da Feira.
Visiting the site, we noticed that the given location of the Chapel was in the intersection of five streets/roads, and at th...