1 / 越南西贡一家水果沙冰咖啡店
2013-11-13 09:16|天之道|餐饮设计|100%
...on Tree design工作室。店铺的品牌为(趣味果世界)Fun Fruit World Co.,主营思慕雪(主要成分是新鲜的水果或者冰冻的水果,用搅拌机打碎后加上碎冰、果汁、雪泥、乳制品等,混合成半固体的饮料。)与咖啡。House on Tree design工作...
2 / 葡萄牙里斯本Lapa Palace
2011-12-24 22:29|charliexu|酒店设计|97%
Lapa Palace is part of Olissippo Hotels Travel & Leisure - World's Best Service, No.1 Top Ten City Hotels Overall - 2011 Travel & Leisure - World's Best Service, No.1 Top 5 City Hotels Europe - 2011 Travel & Leisure - No.25, The 500 World’s Best Hotels - 2011 Travel & Leisure - No.1 Large ...
2014-3-27 23:48|1695215634|商业空间|96%
Central World商圈位于曼谷的市中心,是东南亚最大的购物中心之一。它由三个部分组成:两头是Zen百货和伊势丹(Isetan)百货,中间是Central World
4 / McCann World Group HQ, New York
2016-7-7 12:50|qi375609563|办公设计|96%
...sign its Midtown Manhattan HQ’s, home to 600 employees in both local and worldwide divisions. McCann Erickson New York is the flagship and largest office of McCann World Group, the world’s largest advertising agency network, with operations in more than 120 countries and a client roster that in...
5 / 北京国贸大酒店(官方摄影) China World Summit Wing, Beijing(网盘版)
2013-9-14 12:40|charliexu|酒店设计|95%
北京国贸大酒店(官方摄影) China World Summit Wing, Beijing(网盘版) 北京国贸大酒店(官方摄影) China World Summit Wing, Beijing(原贴) http://www.mt-bbs.com/thread-227190-1-1.html 微盘下载:http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/dkv0paLKUbHxv
6 / China World Summit Wing, Beijing--国贸大酒店
2011-5-16 17:49|NICK_JOE|酒店设计|94%
...最后由 NICK_JOE 于 2011-5-16 17:49 编辑 China World Summit Wing - Beijing's Tallest Hotel 北京国贸大酒店The 278-room China World Summit Wing, Shangri-La’s newest Beijing property, is a top notch luxury hotel on the upper floors of Beijing's newest landmark and tal...
7 / 拉斯维加斯康莱德酒店 Conrad Las Vegas at Resorts World
2024-5-23 00:03|charliexu|酒店设计|94%
CONRAD LAS VEGAS AT RESORTS WORLD Admire views of the Strip or the mountains through floor-to-ceiling windows in your premium room or suite. Each elegantly decorated accommodation at Conrad Las Vegas at Resorts World features a sitting area with work desk and a spa-inspired bathroom.
8 / Andreu World
2010-11-1 13:56|hepan|软装设计|94%
本帖最后由 hepan 于 2010-11-1 14:38 编辑 Andreu World
9 / 北京新世界酒店 New World Hotels Beijing
2017-5-23 04:42|ak47110|酒店设计|94%
酒店设计北京新世界酒店 New World Hotels Beijing
10 / 个人收集--美标陶瓷展厅浴界 The world of Bathroom
2011-9-23 08:50|feng6a857|施工图纸|94%
美标陶瓷展厅浴界 The world of Bathroom
11 / 美国老牌家具Another World by Bob Timberlake for Century
2011-12-7 17:01|yuanzhen|软装设计|94%
美国老牌家具Another World by Bob Timberlake for Century
12 / The World Soil Museum by EGM&Tinker imagineers
2019-4-9 10:39|cicada911|设计情报|94%
The World Soil Museum by EGM&Tinker imagineers
13 / 北京新世界酒店 New World Hotels Beijing
2013-2-22 22:48|charliexu|酒店设计|94%
New World Hotels Beijing
14 / 上海新世界酒店 New World Hotels Shanghai
2013-2-23 20:28|charliexu|酒店设计|94%
New World Hotels Shanghai
15 / andreu world 家具 方案必备
2015-2-11 15:08|fllczy|软装设计|94%
andreu world 家具 多视角 方案必备 请用2345好压解压
16 / WORLD BASICS 2013 AW/2014 SS
2017-1-6 11:36|littlebubutf|商业空间|94%
title : WORLD BASICS 2013 AW/2014 SS architects:Jo Nagasaka+Ryosuke Yamamoto+Miku Watanabe / Schemata Architects address:Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo usage:exhibition construction:TANK floor area:368m²
17 / All the Time in the World/新希思罗机场
2011-4-24 07:00|charliexu|办公设计|94%
...伦敦新希思罗机场5号候机楼走廊的名为’All the Time in the World’的一面22米长发光墙。 设计概念:以格林尼治标准时间为中心,将时间线作为线索,把生硬的传统表示世界时间的功能转变成为诗意而虚构的东西,在’All the Time in...
18 / HBA--印尼雅加達Ciputra World莱佛士酒店公寓設計方案20100902
2012-11-29 16:01|nashweijin|空间概念|94%
HBA--印尼雅加達Ciputra World莱佛士酒店公寓設計方案20100902
19 / Building Wrapped In Vibrant Graphics To Celebrate World Design Capital
2017-1-5 15:33|简单就好213|建筑设计|94%
Building Wrapped In Vibrant Graphics To Celebrate World Design Capital
20 / moooi 伦敦展厅("World of Moooi")
2010-9-20 16:09|cwxdesign|商业空间|94%
...伦敦设计节期间,9月16日开放的 moooi 伦敦展厅(名为“World of Moooi”)位于伦敦西部 Portobello Dock 的一栋白色建筑中。展厅内部设计秉承 moooi 一贯的新锐风格及始终颠覆常规的设计理念,首次亮相的 ‘Impressions’ —— 一个由创...
22 / 巴厘岛舒适别墅 / World of Mouth 工作室
2012-2-10 14:59|百子|居住空间|93%
这栋别墅是巴厘岛 World of Mouth 工作室设计完成的,占地3230平方尺,位于巴厘岛西部的塞米亚克海滩。木百叶窗最大化吸收自然的光线;家具硬边采用圆角处理,注入柔软感觉又不失雄伟;面板使用特殊材质,主要由白色渲染的...
23 / 墨西哥Corporativo World Plaza(企业世界广场)
2011-5-21 13:24|msun035|办公设计|93%
本帖最后由 msun035 于 2011-5-13 17:29 编辑 Corporativo World Plaza(企业世界广场) 圣达菲区是一个新的开发区,区内设有大量企业办公和住宅建筑,Corporativo World Plaza 就坐落于圣达菲区一个可以俯瞰墨西哥城的山顶之上。该建筑所...
24 / 普吉岛悦榕庄 Banyan Tree phuket
2012-4-3 14:04|charliexu|酒店设计|93%
...Travel Awards - No. 6 Overseas Spas - 2008 Condé Nast Traveler - No. 25, World's Top 26 Spas - 2008 Forbes Traveler 400 - The World's Very Best Hotels and Resorts - 2008 Condé Nast Traveller - Best Hotel Spas in Asia, No. 3 - 2007 Condé Nast Traveller - Top 25 Spas, No. 13 - 2007 The World's...
25 / 旧金山丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco
2012-4-10 12:56|charliexu|酒店设计|93%
... - 2007-2012 Forbes Five Star Hotel - 2010 & 2011 Travel + Leisure - 500 World's Best Hotels - 2011 AAA - Five Diamond Award - 1994-2012 Michelin Travel Guide - Five Pavilions - 2007-2010 Travel + Leisure - 500 World's Best Hotels - 2009 Forbes Traveler 400 - The World's Very Best Hotels and R...