1 / 日本乡下一座有着大大老虎窗的住宅
2016-8-8 08:35|liutai|居住空间|100%
...。 http://www.ideamsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/House-with-Dormer-Window-8.jpg 所以很显然,新建的房屋的寿命一定是大于房屋主人的寿命的,于是来自Hiroki Tominaga-Atelier的建筑师开始思考新房子如何融入到这个逐渐缩小的乡村小镇中。 http:...
2 / window blinds
2019-3-8 18:17|花枝俏|居住空间|97%
... Firm Energy Window Fashions Type Commercial › Retail Cultural › Gallery STATUS Built YEAR 2016 keywords:architecture, architecture news, interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands,...
3 / 美国的第五大道LV店
2011-5-24 11:39|箐遥|商业空间|97%
... standard NYC fashion. Larger than life ostriches and eggs are gracing the windows, displaying Vuitton’s spring and summer shoe and accessory collection. London based creative agency Chameleon Visual produced the stunning display. It’s just one expertise in their repertoire of skills that includ...
4 / 答疑解惑:回复网友在使用“Windows 7无人值守应答文件”过程中出现的几个问题
2017-5-4 11:59|hutupiol|设计情报|97%
...:你知道运动会对孩子产生多大的影响吗 前面关于“Windows7无人值守应答文件”的使用及制作都写过很详细的方法,鉴于有些网友制作失败,频频收到留言,现在作简要说明。“无人职守应答文件”是通过WindowsAIK制作,拓展...
5 / 日本寝屋川窗户/凸窗住宅|2017|PERSIMMON HILLS architects
2021-5-27 05:25|archdaily|居住空间|96%
...:日本,设计师描述 | Designer description: We have updated the windowsills of the dwelling units to be closer to the external environment of the housing complex.,,Our idea was also adopted in a competition held in 2017 as part of a renovation project called "Nikoichi" conducted by the...
6 / Shadows in the Windows by Ponti Design Studio
2019-3-18 17:37|lbbz1314|产品应用|96%
...(Andrea Ponti)在今年的米兰设计周(米兰设计周)上介绍了“Windows中的阴影”(Shadow In The Windows),看了两种常见的香港城市景观的主要景观--窗户和椅子。当看到大公寓和摩天大楼时,一排排相同的窗户就变得不人情味了。再看一看,...
7 / Louis Vuitton Spiderweb windows, Jakarta
2013-4-11 22:23|qq88_88qq|商业空间|96%
Louis Vuitton Spiderweb windows, Jakarta
8 / 关于3Dmax2009在windows7 64位系统下渲染的问(高手进来回答)
2011-8-21 17:29|278069065|空间概念|95%
今天安装了个双系统。(XP 跟windows7 64位)感觉心情很不错。之所以安装个64位系统是因为在网络上了解到64位系统可以支持到128内存。这样3D在渲染时就不会再为超过内存而跳出烦恼了。(本人XP系统加了PAE/3GB还出现过N多次跳出...
9 / 慕尼黑2013秋季(一个橱窗)
2013-11-11 14:48|cclhhe|商业空间|95%
本帖最后由 cclhhe 于 2015-4-3 17:23 编辑 Zara windows 2013 Autumn, MunichNovember 5th, 2013 by retail design blog http://retaildesignblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Zara-windows-2013-Autumn-Munich.jpg Zara windows 2013 Autumn, Munich Photography: Jamniczky Norbert Image courtesy ...
11 / 西班牙瓦伦西亚Window现代住宅
2013-10-21 17:36|pigheat|居住空间|94%
地点:西班牙,瓦伦西亚 设计:西班牙LADAA建筑事务所
12 / AutoCad病毒专杀修复的专杀工具 【好用!纯绿色版】
2014-3-1 09:43|king3911097|设计情报|91%
...你”的对话框 2.注册表增加 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\dwgrun 3.增加文件 c:\WINDOWS\system32\copyfile.vbs c:\WINDOWS\system32\copy.sys(acad.fas副本) cad安装目录,很多子目录中有acad.fas和lcm.fas文...
13 / An Outdoor Furniture Collection Inspired by Window Blinds
2019-3-19 18:32|deutsch8|产品应用|91%
14 / master window
2019-3-8 13:17|hua2006|居住空间|89%
...rs, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products MASTER WINDOW 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品主窗口 在一个已经居住了30年并将继续居住的家庭中进行干预与在一个空间里...
15 / 朴居設計研究室丨时间的形状-WEASPE门窗展廳設計
2019-10-30 00:25|Hi设计|设计情报|89%
... Zhu Teng Space, a merchandiser specialized in aluminum alloy doors and windows, shares the same vision with us. Their showroom in Shanghai is a special project, which makes us think deep about the concepts of doors, windows, genis loci, space and time etc. 门窗,交流的渴望 Win...
16 / 日本Rib公寓(2020)(Ryu Mitarai & Associates)设计
2020-10-26 17:18|archdaily|居住空间|87%
... located, it was impressive that the green of the garden looked out of the window and beyond that, the scenery spread far away. I imagined how happy the family would be if they could feel the sunlight, the cool breeze, and the rubbing of the green leaves every day in this room, which has a lot of wi...
17 / Plasma's copper-clad apartments have huge windows facing Dolomites
2017-8-27 14:00|pebook|民宿设计|84%
通过等离子演播室,从地板到天花板的窗户可以让客人在意大利北部这座镀铜的假日公寓里看到白云石的景色。 建筑实践等离子工作室设计了两层公寓楼,以提供六个假日住宅伴随着现有的假日...
18 / 奥斯汀Tree别墅
2014-4-24 16:59|wangang2012|居住空间|84%
... interior of the house to a canopy of oak trees and a small pool. Generous windows in every room illuminate the interior space and offer views of the surrounding branches, making rooms feel as if they are floating among the treetops. At the street front, the concave roof forms a low, unassuming f...
19 / 解决MAX+VR渲染大图跳出、不能保存、渲染窗口花屏的问题!
2011-3-23 22:56|zhusheng44|空间概念|84%
... [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect/PAE/3GB 我自己已经试过了。感觉还不错。
20 / Huge porthole windows bathe Melbourne apartments with natural light
2019-3-8 23:36|zhoufanglp|居住空间|84%
圆形窗户占据了这座公寓楼的交错砖墙立面,这座公寓楼是由澳大利亚BKK建筑师事务所为墨尔本艾芬豪东区郊区设计的。 当地的bkk建筑事务所设计了这座44套公寓楼,作为位于市中心商业区东北约...
21 / CAD插件--贱人工具箱5.7 破解版
2012-4-12 09:38|12124448|图像标识|83%
...上 (2)支持AutoCAD2000以上所有版本,没版本限制 (3)支持Windows2000、me、XP、2003、Vista、Windows7等32位操作系统 (4)无需安装、加载即可使用,绿色软件、不修改任何CAD系统设置 工具箱加载方法: (1)菜单“工具”-?“加载应用程...
22 / CAD插件--贱人工具箱5.2 免费版
2012-4-12 09:42|12124448|图像标识|83%
...上 (2)支持AutoCAD2000以上所有版本,没版本限制 (3)支持Windows2000、me、XP、2003、Vista、Windows7等32位操作系统 (4)无需安装、加载即可使用,绿色软件、不修改任何CAD系统设置 工具箱加载方法: (1)菜单“工具”-?“加载应用程...
23 / CAD插件--贱人工具箱5.9 支持64位
2012-4-12 09:34|12124448|图像标识|83%
...上 (2)支持AutoCAD2000以上所有版本,没版本限制 (3)支持Windows2000、me、XP、2003、Vista、Windows7等32位操作系统,支持64位系统 (4)无需安装、加载即可使用,绿色软件、不修改任何CAD系统设置 工具箱加载方法: (1)菜单“工具...
24 / 希腊雅典的全景钻石别墅
2011-10-13 09:49|大陈|设计情报|83%
...he house appealing. The outside view can be over looked by the large round window from the indoor. This window represents the look of a ship .The project initially draws attention due to original external architectural details, such as a giant round window which defines the first level and an intere...
25 / 3ds max防渲染跳出(方法之Ⅰ、Ⅱ)
2010-9-30 09:16|styml|图像标识|82%
...: [boot loader] timeout=3 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /PAE /3GB Ⅱ、若你的场景非常大,常规情况下,以渲染就跳出,...