1 / 美国 | 111 West 57th Street | 样板房 | 2021 | Kelly Behun
2021-12-20 21:10|Kelly.Behun|居住空间|100%
Kelly Behun Studio总部位于纽约,由创始人Kelly Behun创立,旨在根据客户的喜好量身定制他们需求的空间。Kelly Behun拥有一双发现美的眼睛,她的项目从定制家具到独立的家饰成品,都展示出设计师与众不同的审美追求。长期以来,...
2 / (分享)美国纽约奎恩酒店 The Quin
2015-1-9 10:18|没伞的孩子要学|酒店设计|73%
...景,定会是一段难忘的用餐体验。酒店地址:101 West 57th Street, Midtown West, New York,USA, New York, USA 10019。
3 / BIG纽约600单元住宅项目
2011-4-16 01:28|charliexu|建筑设计|72%
...约600单元住宅项目 W57 DATA PROJECT: West 57th Street CLIENT: Durst Fetner Residential ARCHITECT: BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group SIZE: 870,000 ft² (80,000 m²) LOCATION: Manhattan, New York, USA STATUS: Direct Commission COLLABORATORS: SLCE Architects (Architect of Record)...
4 / BIG的纽约曼哈顿的大u设计方案
2014-7-17 11:32|nht0123|空间概念|61%
...e needs and concerns of the area’s communities. Running from West 57th Street south to The Battery and up to East 42nd Street, the Big U protects 10 continuous miles of low-lying geography that comprise an incredibly dense, vibrant, and vulnerable urban area. The team’s approach is rooted ...
5 / The Highlights Of Art Basel in Hong Kong {2013}
2013-9-3 09:14|sangziyan|产品应用|24%
.../art-basel-hong-kong-2013-best-of-by-yatzer-63.jpgDo Ho Suh 348 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011, USA - Apt. A, Corridor and Staircases (Kanazawa version), 2012 Polyester fabric, metal armature Apt. A: 271 2/3 x 169 1/3 x 96 1/2 inches / 690 x 430 x 245 cm Corridor and staircases: 522 5/6 x ...