1 / Urban Planning & Exhibition Center城市规划展览中心
2013-11-15 12:23|MRZHUANG|空间概念|100%
Urban Planning & Exhibition Center城市规划展览中心
2 / 微风之家 | Sidney Quintela Architecture + Urban Planning | 2022 | 巴西
2024-5-20 02:23|archdaily|建筑设计|97%
,项目设计:Sidney Quintela Architecture + Urban Planning,项目面积: 580m²,项目年份:2022,项目摄影:Manuel Sá,供应商: Bontempo, Demuner, DiPedra, ETEC Esquadrias, HIO, Home Design Casual, Omni Light, Portobello Shop, Rauze, Tidelli 客户想要一座海滨别...
3 / 越南热带小屋(2020)(G8A Architecture & Urban Planning)设计
2020-10-15 18:55|archdaily|建筑设计|91%
Casas, Sustentabilidad, Da Nang, Vietnam,设计师:G8A Architecture & Urban Planning, 面积:385 m²,年份:2020,摄影:Hiroyuki Oki,提供协助:AutoDesk, Hafele, Legrand, Malloca, Trimble Navigation,负责建筑师:Manuel Der Hagopian, Grégoire Du Pasquier,Equipo:Manuel ...
4 / 色站(2019)(G8A Architecture & Urban Planning)设计
2020-8-23 07:30|archdaily|建筑设计|90%
...eriors, Cowork Interiors, Hanói, Vietnam,设计师:G8A Architecture & Urban Planning, 面积: 2900 m²,年份:2019,摄影:Quang Dam,建造商: AutoDesk, Dulux, An Phat construction, FAMI, Nha may nhom Dong Anh, The Dreamers,Lead 设计师:Grégoire du Pasquier, Manuel der H...
5 / 越南雅各布工厂,郁郁葱葱的表皮(2020)(G8A Architecture & Urban Planning)设计
2020-9-13 19:21|archdaily|建筑设计|90%
...性 & 绿色设计, 胡志明市, 越南,建筑师:G8A Architecture & Urban Planning, rollimarchini architekten, 面积:13000 m²,项目年份:2020,摄影师: Hiroyuki Oki, Severin Jakob,厂家:AutoDesk, DELABIE, Decocrete, INAX, Molution, Paragon, Sttel,责任建筑师:Grégoi...
6 / (丛林站)G8A Architecture & Urban Planning设计
2020-9-8 20:02|Archilovers|景观设计|89%
In the context of a dense urban landscape it is logical that the rising start-up community would turn towards the highly efficient concept of co-working for their professional solutions. These spaces must effectively combine the positives of both public and private arenas offering the professional...
7 / (Twin-Lah 房子) G8A Architecture & Urban Planning设计
2020-9-8 20:14|Archilovers|建筑设计|88%
...he_twin-lah.pdf,转载自:Archilovers,设计师:G8A Architecture & Urban Planning,坐落:Geneva / Switzerland / 2019,语言:English,阅读原文
8 / The Rural to Urban Transect (ISTD 2021) | Kyle Lamond
2021-5-16 20:50|behance|图像标识|82%
ISTDProject 4: Putting Things in OrderThe Rural to Urban TransectThe Rural to Urban Transect is an urban planning concept that places all elements of the built environment in useful order, from most rural to most urban. This publication takes you on a journey through each of the 6 zones, beginni...
9 / 芬兰城市环境住宅(2020)(Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects)设计
2021-1-21 15:49|archdaily|建筑设计|81%
...Helsinki,Country:Finland,设计师描述 | Designer description: The Urban Environment House is a building designed by Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects for the Urban Environment Division responsible for, e.g., city planning, building supervision, and environmental services in the City of Helsi...
10 / 城市更新Chiado社区(2015)(西扎维埃拉)设计
2021-1-14 00:05|archdaily|建筑设计|78%
Urbanism, Public Space, Renovation, Lisbon, Portugal,设计师:Carlos Castanheira, Álvaro Siza Vieira,年份:2015,摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG,Lead 设计师:Álvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira,Client:Câmara Municipal de Lisboa,Preliminary Design:Filomena Nascimento; Luísa Sarm...
11 / urban residence 2
2014-4-17 02:41|lpsjfk|酒店设计|77%
...interiors, interior design, portfolio, spec, brands, marketplace, products Urban Residence 关键词:建筑,建筑新闻,室内设计,组合,规格,品牌,市场,产品城市住宅 地点情况:拐角地段,陡峭的斜坡,紧邻边框,面向绿色区域...
12 / 澳大利亚悉尼--Cowshed House
2013-7-4 21:57|白人大毛|居住空间|77%
...oads. The building was simple, essentially a long brick wall that held the urban edge of corner and street and returned to house a few bedrooms in the place of the former stalls. It was the most basic of accommodation but the shed had a worn patina of stories and was well situated, hugging the south...
13 / 锯齿形的房子(2020)(Jasper Smits Architecture)设计
2020-9-17 23:04|archdaily|居住空间|76%
...nging from 5.4 to 8.4 m have been released. ZigZag has a width of 5.4 m.,Urban Development and floor plan. What makes these self-build plots special is that they only have a front garden. This garden is situated directly on the street, sometimes separated by a shed or workspace. This unique urban ...
14 / 泰国正义的酒店(2019)(Plan Architect)设计
2020-9-14 09:01|archdaily|酒店设计|74%
... the court in the early morning, the building façade is designed as a big-urban-scale sunrise painting by using the gradient pattern of hotel window to communicate and encourage people who pass by and the hotel guests as well.  ,The building color is painted in white with the golden glass color...
15 / Perfectly Planned Pied-á-Terre完美计划的居所
2013-10-15 14:17|gf189189|居住空间|73%
...lanned Pied-á-Terre完美计划的居所 This 425 square foot ultimately urban overnighter by Specht Harpman is the result of an extensive transformation designed for the head of a family of ‘reverse weekenders.’ Originally a modest brownstone in New York City, it is now an enviable abode plan...
16 / 危地马拉市El Pulté Equestrian乡村俱乐部/DARCON Taller de Arquitec../
2014-1-27 22:12|xinshaojie|康乐空间|73%
...影: Leonardo Izaguirre From the architect. The Pulté is a residential urbanization complex located over a forested mountain at the edge of the city, whose design corresponds to the topography of the land and seeks to recreate a countryside environment, through buildings that follow a contemporary...
17 / 加拿大卡尔加里城市公园(2020)(Public City Architecture)设计
2020-10-8 13:28|archdaily|景观设计|72%
Urban Design, Public Space, Calgary, Canada,设计师:Public City Architecture, 面积: 14000 ft²,年份:2020,摄影:Kokemor Studio,建造商: Nemetschek, Sherwin-Williams,设计团队: Liz Wreford, Peter Sampson, Taylor LaRocque,业主:Calgary Parking Authority,工...
18 / 詹姆斯·沃尔勒建筑(2009)(Studio Woodroffe Papa)设计
2020-9-26 23:36|archdaily|建筑设计|70%
...ed public realm of residential streets and squares; an active street-based urban fabric with four distinct urban blocks, delivering mixed-tenure and commercial uses. This re-integrated the estate back into the wider community of Shadwell and brought affordable large family homes back to the area. Ou...
19 / 重新设计的城市公共广场
2014-10-16 09:04|long2003|建筑设计|69%
...e is the unequal accumulation of time." Milton SantosThe main goal of an urban project is to contribute to the establishment of an effective public domain, less attached to consumption and more focused on the understanding of the city as a public place. Rather than being understated, the urban d...
20 / 华盛顿特区城市学院办公室设计
2020-9-2 11:36|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|68%
HYL Architecture achieved the design of the Urban Institute offices, a think tank for economic and social policy, located in Washington DC. The new headquarters includes a public-facing conference center with expanded ceiling heights, open and bright office floors with collaborative zones, all ...
21 / 印度 | The Urban Courtyard Home | 别墅 | 2021 | Sudaiva Studio
2021-9-11 13:09|archdaily|居住空间|68%
...ath,供应商: Ikea, Cane Boutique, Decorons Trinity, N Square, Talin, Urban Texture,首席建筑师:Vinay Mavinakere,结构顾问:Design Academy,室内设计:Vinay Mavinakere, Geeth Gopinath, A Shakthivel,景观设计:Vinay Mavinakere, Geeth Gopinath,现场工程师:Konda Re...
22 / Jiangning Agriculture Park-logon design
2017-1-11 12:03|临塘听风晚|建筑设计|68%
... & Lifestyle, Culture & Education, Mixed-UseService : Project Positioning, Urban Planning, Landscape DesignStatus : Concept[hr]Site Area : 13,400,000 m²Green Ratio : 16%Agriculture Ratio : 45% Integration of agricultural, recreational and scenic areas Ecological village situated is gr...
23 / 南投工厂建筑的改造(2020)(CM设计)设计
2020-9-10 14:57|archdaily|建筑设计|68%
..., Shenzhen Vanke Development Ltd.,Project Planning And Design Management:Urban Research Institute of China Vanke; vaLue Design,Project Planning And Design Management Team:Jinghui Deng, Yufei Pei, Zhen Wang, Ruiqing Shen,Construction Management Team:Xi Wang, JinQiang Li, Yufan Yu, Zuliang Huang...
24 / 特拉维夫迪奥办公室设计
2023-4-18 22:18|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|68%
...ite, beige, and brass tones, with bright wood accents.,The ever-changing urban landscape provides a dynamic backdrop for the brand’s exclusive events. The raw and rugged urban surroundings amplify the contrast between the various materials used and accentuate the cozy and inviting ambiance withi...
25 / 体育馆和市政厅广场
2013-9-13 08:55|sangziyan|商业空间|67%
..." the architects point out. "In this way, it helps to redefine and enhance urban spaces as well as to connect the park to the church through a journey."http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2013/09/dezeen_Gymnasium-and-Town-Hall-esplanade-by-LAN-Architecture_15.jpgFull-height glass panels covering the gy...