1 / Guillaume Delvigne Stools4tools at the ToolsGalerie Paris.
2019-3-18 21:26|long_541227|产品应用|100%
guillaume delvigne stools4tools at the tools galerie in paris guillaume delvigne stools4tools at the tools galerie in paris guillaume delvigne stools4tools at the tools galerie in paris guillaume delvigne stools4tools at the tools galerie in p...
2 / “筒”凳儿
2014-5-7 09:19|onson|软装设计|100%
...ng and exploring the desire of the temporary stay and leave on the sitting tool in our daily life. Meanwhile, studying the philosophy between the gesture of “ sit” and the object of “ tool”: because of the gesture of sit, it comes out with “ tool” And the desire on sitting is more i...
3 / Milwaukee Tool 办公室 | PTID | 2023 | 澳大利亚
2024-11-13 00:38|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
,客户:Milwaukee Tool, ,面积:37,674 sqft,年份:2023,坐落:Melbourne, Australia, ,行业: Manufacturing, ,Amicus embarked on a transformative project to revamp Milwaukee Tool’s head office in Melbourne. The goal was to create a workspace that reflected the brand’s iden...
4 / Tool
2019-3-19 16:15|小純|产品应用|100%
5 / HC28案例、单品、店面实景、sales tools 合辑
2015-8-22 10:42|至尊VIP|软装设计|100%
本帖最后由 至尊VIP 于 2015-8-22 10:42 编辑 HC28 Case 案例 92张;更多信息请看二三四楼层;
6 / Tool Stool
2019-3-19 21:55|bingesong|产品应用|100%
7 / Flat-Packed Furniture Assembled without Tools
2019-3-14 20:12|yedaijun|产品应用|100%
8 / Modos Takes the Tools Out of Flat
2019-3-12 20:43|herohchn|产品应用|100%
Modos是一个模块化的家具系统,由木板和铝连接器组成,可以将所有工具从扁平的家具领域中移除。这个简单的系统可以让你建立桌子、架子、桌面桌子和凳子--- 金属连接器持有FSC认证的...
9 / Modos Takes the Tools Out of Flat
2019-3-19 21:05|laigangpei|产品应用|100%
Modos是一个模块化的家具系统,由木板和铝连接器组成,可以将所有工具从扁平的家具领域中移除。这个简单的系统可以让你建立桌子、架子、桌面桌子和凳子--- 金属连接器持有FSC认证的...
10 / 【CG工具箱】之快速渲染 Fast Vray render tool
2016-12-7 14:36|zmm5|空间概念|100%
t.cn/RVi1YrQ (浏览器复制黏贴打开)注册下载安装即可免费使用。 【功能说明】:这是一个渲染预设工具,快速将选择物体进行预设渲染,可以用来渲染工业产品用。 【操作说明】: 首先要先选择物体,再点按纽,不然会报...
11 / Opendesk launches shelf and desk that can be assembled tool-free
2019-3-13 17:26|hrwjngrxap|产品应用|100%
开源家具品牌Opendesk与伦敦和芝加哥的设计师合作,创造了两款无需胶水、螺丝或铰链即可组装的新家具。 总部位于伦敦的Opendesk--其商业模式基于一个用于数字制造的在线设计数据库--与总部位于伦敦的Thor ter K...
12 / Opendesk launches shelf and desk that can be assembled tool-free
2019-3-21 19:03|yikingkay|产品应用|100%
开源家具品牌Opendesk与伦敦和芝加哥的设计师合作,创造了两款无需胶水、螺丝或铰链即可组装的新家具。 总部位于伦敦的Opendesk--其商业模式基于一个用于数字制造的在线设计数据库--与总部位于伦敦的Thor ter K...
13 / Baker家具系列1015张图片
2012-4-13 00:48|tool|软装设计|100%
本帖最后由 tool 于 2012-4-13 09:54 编辑 Baker家具系列1015张图片
14 / 在巴黎的工具画廊里,吉劳姆·德尔维涅(Guillaume delvigne)的凳子
2020-8-9 18:36|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
Exhibition view at Tools Galerie Paris.Exhibition view at Tools Galerie Paris.‘Rift.’‘Chaos.’‘Magma.’ Stools4Tools, interpret as you will, sees a collection of organically intertwined shapes that are, you guessed it, stools. Designed by Guillaume Delvigne, the collection, exhibited in 20...
15 / NBBJ Offices – Columbus
2016-7-12 15:20|wfwd12|办公设计|100%
...设定空间,支持各种工作模式。 The space also becomes a tool for the design process and reveals data and measurement in unorthodox ways- a reminder of our role in the world, an inspirational, and artistic conversation starter. 的空间也成为工具的设计过程和显示数...
16 / 阿尔卑斯攀登别墅 | Kirill Kuzenkov | 2024 | 奥地利
2024-2-23 23:59|behance|建筑设计|100%
...AILIT school. Using a combination of advanced AI technologies and familiar tools we managed to achieve such results in a short time.​​​​​​​ Project Description: The key source of inspiration for Alpine Ascent was the mountains themselves - their power, majesty and enduring beauty. The ...
17 / 顶级公寓,纽约私人住宅
2017-7-14 09:42|无詺指|居住空间|100%
...种私密性的空间可以反映出它主人的特点。” “There are tools that we, as architects, use to compose. Space, light, texture, materials, color, technology… Architecture is simply a tool that expresses who we are as complex human beings, with so many diverse passions and elements ...
18 / 墨西哥 | IOS | 联合办公 | 2018 | Mayer Hasbani
2021-9-23 20:20|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...ments. Thinking about the importance of different visual and technological tools in contemporary work.,The design of projects such as IOS Offices Arboledas comes from a deep understanding of the new dynamics of corporate work, which include more and more tools of dialogue and collaboration between...
19 / 胡志明市Aurecon办公室设计
2023-3-30 01:21|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...of concentration. The office is also equipped with advanced technology and tools, including video conferencing systems and ergonomic furniture. These tools help to connect, discuss and brainstorm better with both colleagues and clients, enhance their productivity, and allow them to focus on their in...
20 / Alison Jackson手工制作的“桌上工具”。
2020-8-9 17:45|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
..., Alison Jackson, carefully nurtures in all of her tableware work.‘Table Tools’ is the ultimate expression of Alison’s desire to design and make simple, refined and pared-back pieces that are beautiful, functional and can be used every day for generations to come. This new work includes one-of...
21 / 明尼阿波利斯参数办公室设计
2020-8-6 14:34|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
... materials of marble, copper and cork, with the beautiful objects and work tools needed to support the sales team.The design of the showroom had to balance the two brands of Knoll and Muuto. These two brands are complementary and integrated throughout the design. Layering the legacy pieces of Knoll ...
22 / 奥斯汀麦克米伦学习办公室设计
2021-4-23 21:10|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...es located in Austin, Texas A publishing company that develops digital tools for the education industry, their mission is to enrich lives through learning. To meld the team’s innovative, technical culture with a collegiate ethos, the workplace is highly functional and well-organized to nurture...
23 / 孟买工作室的手工家具在布鲁塞尔的马尼拉画廊。
2020-8-10 03:56|Yellowtrace|创意设计|100%
...per.Each piece is constructed entirely by hand with the aid of a few basic tools. Disregarding Jain’s exceptional craft skills and handiwork, the idea is that anyone could make these items without access to expensive or exclusive tools. The collection manages to at once resemble historical artifac...
24 / 明尼阿波利斯OurFamilyWizard办公室设计
2023-7-25 00:53|OfficeSnapshots|办公设计|100%
...co-parent after divorce. Our Family Wizard’s platform gives families the tools they need to navigate the confusion, tension, and constraints, to a healthy communication platform that facilitates healthy behaviors and a new future.,This design concept focuses this path between the past and the fu...
25 / 山景 | Kirill Kuzenkov | 2023 | 奥地利
2024-2-23 23:43|behance|建筑设计|100%
...using a combination of advanced AI technologies and familiar visualization tools. The project goal: Create a creative architectural concept and use generative AI to create advertising and presentation-quality visualizations in a short timeframe. Workflow: The project started with a quick hand sket...